DR CYRIL KADAM explains how Ayurveda can help restore your equilibrium so that you learn to cope with life’s stresses and extreme situations One often hears about suicides of well-known people in newspapers. A recent example is about the sad...

DR CYRIL KADAM explains how Ayurveda can help restore your equilibrium so that you learn to cope with life’s stresses and extreme situations One often hears about suicides of well-known people in newspapers. A recent example is about the sad...
DR SANJAY TEOTIA says that stress and tension, diabetes, and even medication for pain management and high blood pressure can eventually lead to blurring of vision. Take care of your eyes. They are God’s most precious gift to you Many...
Loving God is the first, and best, cure for nervousness ― healthy food then becomes supplementary to the primary panacea, says OSWALD PEREIRA When we are down, many of us turn to ice cream, because it’s a delicacy and makes...
The way out of negative thinking is to make a commitment to loving kindness, and make sure that you are also a recipient of it, says SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI Negative thinking is a tragic pattern that many of us fall...
REENA SINGH on why a teaspoon of ghee should be incorporated into each of our three daily meals Ghee was completely taboo in our household. My father was hit by a major heart attack when he was barely 38 back...
The BRAHMA KUMARIS suggest how we can take stock of our lives and reduce stress Can any of us be free of stress? Stress is a feeling we experience when something inside or outside of us is not in control....
MOHANJI explains the different kinds of fears we experience and how we can deal with them to live better, more wholesome lives Expectations cause fear. We expect certain things to move in certain ways, or we expect our lives to take...
Our diet, stress and fast-paced life, over-reliance on social media and other lifestyle factors is causing depression and anxiety among youngsters, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA In present times, depression and anxiety are increasing daily in society, among all age groups....
REENA SINGH extols the virtues of Triphala churna, an age-old Ayurveda remedy that combines the powder of three dried fruits in equal quantity Back in the early ‘70s, my father had a ritual of having a teaspoon of triphala powder...
BRAHMA KUMARIS list 10 spiritual lessons each of us must learn from our smart phones Switch off your phone at night Shut down your cell phone at night to avoid unnecessary radiation. Similarly, switch off from everything in our mind...
Eat rightly and wisely, never becoming a slave to food, to stay healthy and well, physically and spiritually, says OSWALD PEREIRA Former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee in his book, Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork, advises...
What should we keep in mind to ensure that we remain happy and content? Ayurvedacharya DR PARMESHWAR ARORA shares his views on the subject Be flexible and set your goals at a comfortable pace: The first point is that we...
A high spiritual quotient leads to healthy and profitable actions at the workplace, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA For people to understand their world and give their life a meaning and a reason for their existence while also shaping their ethical,...
BRAHMA KUMARIS chart out a simple list of freebies that we must all aim to acquire to feel good about ourselves Health and wisdom go hand in hand. They are like body and soul. One focuses on the physical aspect...
Owning your future self can take you on to a happier, higher path, says NONA WALIA We are work in progress. The person you are right now is temporary. Take a moment to imagine who you will be in 10...
BRAHMA KUMARIS chart out some essential tips to recoup the mind when you suddenly fall ill When you suddenly fall ill, life suddenly slows down. Actions become slower, and the mind stops running; life moves into the slow lane and...
From Ikigai to Wabi-sabi, Kaizen to Power of Chowa, KonMari to Ichigo Ichie, Japanese wellness concepts are re-teaching skills to the world on how to live well, says NONA WALIA In the world of wellness, Japanese secrets of well-being are...
This is the best time to start working on your winter spirit. Nourish it now to help it radiate and glow through the darkness of winter, says NONA WALIA Winter slows down our energy. The dark, cold months bring sadness...