Your state of mind decides whether you make your life a hell or a heaven.

Your state of mind decides whether you make your life a hell or a heaven.
MOHANJI explains the different kinds of fears we experience and how we can deal with them to live better, more wholesome lives Expectations cause fear. We expect certain things to move in certain ways, or we expect our lives to take...
MOHANJI says that people’s faith is what heals them First, believe there’s a possibility that with grace, things can change. In life, if you believe in something, it’ll work. What did Jesus say? Let your faith heal you. He never said, “I...
Follow the Sun and you will know Dharma in its completeness. Meditate on the Sun and it will eradicate Tamas or inertia and make you shine forth, says MOHANJI The Sun does Supreme Service. It nourishes the entire solar system,...
MOHANJI outlines the principles of obtaining the right prana from the right kinds of food There are three types of food that we consume: one is food for the body, second is food for the mind, and the third is...
There is nothing more beautiful than giving, especially if the giving is totally unconditional ― but the ultimate aim of giving is liberation of both the giver and the receiver, says MOHANJI When we give wholeheartedly, our whole heart expands;...
MOHANJI’s tribute to Lord Shiva on the occasion of Maha Shivratri today Shiva is Supreme Consciousness. Shiva is formless; vaster than the whole manifested universe. The only form that can possibly represent this fathomless one is the Shivalinga. The whole universe...
Hinduism is a mental state and not a religion. A true Hindu should solve differences through discussions, which maintain inner peace and never through arguments, aggression and violence or anything that destroys peace, says MOHANJI Hinduism is a state. ‘Ha’ represents...
The more flexible you are, the more successful you are; when you are absolutely flexible, you are absolutely successful, says MOHANJI Have you ever wondered why certain patterns stay on and do not leave us? We are suffocated and tired...
When desires go away, fears leave; you empty yourself, you observe the silence, and then God fills in, says MOHANJI Watch your thoughts and hold on to faith. Watch them, do not participate, do not energise them. The more you...
Wise men who gracefully handle their money and use it for the well-being of themselves, their family and society, are truly rich and earn love and respect from the world, says MOHANJI Why do we think that money is bad?...
When you need nothing from anybody, you achieve peace within and outside, operate with unconditional love without any desire and are liberated from the cycle of rebirths, says MOHANJI How do you deal with the people around you, with society?...
Questions such as why God cannot remove evil from earth makes no sense when we understand how the infinite power operates. God is neutral, objective, non-interfering and in perfect detachment from the action, says MOHANJI If there are 7.8 billion...
The present time is turbulent. The best way to go through this time is to keep a very low profile. Just watch. No reactions. Perform through the intellect. No confrontations. Some people are waiting for an opportunity to explode. Be...
We have a great life, but only if we understand it with clarity. It is an amazing life. We don’t experience its greatness, first and foremost because we resist a lot; we resist too much; we cling on to certain...
We all are on our own personal right paths. It is the same with religion. For each one, the religion or faith that he follows, is the right one, says MOHANJI The right path is the path that you are...