Sports organisations like the Tennis Premier League can do much to popularise sports among all age groups in India.

Sports organisations like the Tennis Premier League can do much to popularise sports among all age groups in India.
A book review that makes us rethink the roles of men and women on Earth
A heartfelt tribute to the legendary ghazal singer, Begum Akhtar
The young women and men of India are the spiritual gurus of the future.
Always give in the highest way. The more you do that, the more you will find that central point of joy, which is at the heart of all religions, and from which everything wonderful can flower in your life.
What does one do when you and your spouse have different political views and are determined to vote for different parties? A lighter look at the recent polls.
God gives the rich and the poor, the king and the subject, the president and the common man equal opportunities to commune with Him in blissful meditation and find their seats on His sovereign throne.
We spend a lifetime trying to find God. But it is God Himself who calls on us, when He sees that we desire nothing but Him.
For the people of India, who believe in Sanātana Dharma, dictatorship or a dictator has no place. Dictatorship and the person running it would have a short life.
All right-thinking, patriotic Indians should seriously consider Vivekananda’s proposal to set up a ‘junction of Hinduism and Islam’ to build a ‘perfect and invincible’ India.
What it means to be a true Hindu.
The key to women empowerment is self-transformation with women helping themselves rather than depending on external agencies or the government for support.
Audiences appear to have embraced the gory scenes in the film, Animal, with relative ease. Does it mean we have become so degraded as a society that we have begun to relish violence?
Why do trees have to be felled in the name of development when there are laws to protect our natural resources?
Playing games on the mobile is a solitary pursuit, but it is addictive and all-consuming.
Sports enables us to attain a higher state. Swami Vivekananda said, “In kicking a ball or playing a game, you are much closer to the divine than you will ever be in prayer.”
It’s silly to divide people on the basis of religion and community. God created us as intelligent human beings, capable of making good, informed choices.
Hapless civilians, children and animals have unwittingly become innocent victims of the Israeli-Hamas conflict and the wave of hatred that filled the hearts of people against an entire community.