SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI says the practice of “yoga” leads automatically to a life in which our choices are ones made in an awareness of unity and oneness The Indian sage Patanjali gave us the eight limbs of yoga, or what...

SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI says the practice of “yoga” leads automatically to a life in which our choices are ones made in an awareness of unity and oneness The Indian sage Patanjali gave us the eight limbs of yoga, or what...
Health according to Ayurveda, is a state of balance of the functional humours (doshas) and the tissues of the body, as well as a state of wellbeing of the sense organs, mind and spirit, says Ayurveda practitioner and psychiatrist, DR...
Let us not be defeated by the thought of the havoc yet another mutation of the Corona virus can wreak upon us. Apart from exercising extreme caution, let us keep ourselves full of joyful thoughts to allow our cells to...
REENA SINGH takes the help of the Bhagavad Gita to explain the importance of eating, behaving and acting right – and its impact on your health Blame it on greed, that astoundingly low emotion that the Vedas and several spiritual...
MOHANJI outlines the principles of obtaining the right prana from the right kinds of food There are three types of food that we consume: one is food for the body, second is food for the mind, and the third is...
For those who can’t kickstart their day without their morning cup, tea is the elixir of life. Had in the recommended quantity, its benefits run into reams of pages. REENA SINGH lists some of them here The 1st cup caresses...
The author has chosen to withdraw her content because of personal reasons
“I learnt the finer points about gardening from my father-in-law,” says ANITA SHALEEN who follows a seasonal routine of pruning and manuring for the plants and trees growing in their farmhouse in salubrious Dehradun It was only after getting married...
MANJRI SHARMA has been an avid gardener since her teen years. She has been growing greens, exotic flowers and trees in her home’s lush garden in Rishikesh Hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture...
Finger Millet, more commonly known as Ragi is a popular cooling cereal that the people of South India and many African countries eat. Till 1950, whole grains such as ragi, brown rice and barley were staples in India and were...
Gardening enthusiast REENA SINGH shares her excitement at harvesting her first 1.5 foot long lauki off her terrace After three years of experimenting with tomatoes, spinach, mint and basil, we finally tasted a different kind of big success on our...
It is up to us to eat the right food and attune our senses to the right influences; in other words, we are what we eat and become what we sense we are, says Ayurveda practitioner and psychiatrist, DR ANITA...
DR SANJAY TEOTIA addresses parents’ concerns about whether it is safe for children to return to school in the midst of this Covid pandemic Schools are opening all across the country and parents are opting to send send their kids...
DEEPTI ANIL discloses the wonders of til, a treasure trove of nutrients and B vitamins Sesame seeds (til) are derived from the sesame plant, one of the oldest oilseed plants in the world. It is extremely resilient and can be...
By simply going vegetarian, consuming consciously, and eating organic wherever possible, we can have an enormous, positive impact on the preservation of our water, our planet and our own lives, says SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI Water is life. From our first...
Many people dismiss Ayurveda as a hoary old science of jari-bhooti practised by jhola-chaap doctors in India. But it has a firm scientific basis, says RENU GULATI, a teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda Ayurveda is a unique holistic system of...
Nutrition and health expert, DEEPTI ANIL outlines the benefits of the simple Vajrasana, the one asana that can be done even after meals and which increases focus and concentration A wavering focus is one of the major causes for low...
With the surge in infections worldwide of the Delta variant, DR SANJAY TEOTIA’s advice on keeping Covid at bay comes as a timely reminder to us that we must never let our guard down There are three main protocols that...