You can improve every aspect of your life if you work on building your inner awareness
You can improve every aspect of your life if you work on building your inner awareness
God gives the rich and the poor, the king and the subject, the president and the common man equal opportunities to commune with Him in blissful meditation and find their seats on His sovereign throne.
Every one of us is a messenger of God. You don’t have to be rich or powerful, but just put God first before your selfish interests to be His messenger.
Swami Vivekananda’s universal gospel of Vedanta as love, may be the panacea for religious, communal and regional conflicts in India and the world over.
We spend a lifetime trying to find God. But it is God Himself who calls on us, when He sees that we desire nothing but Him.
By exercising an active, flowing faith in life, especially in God, we can stop worrying and live happily, seeing life as a divine flow.
For every conflict, every hurt, there are at least 100 acts of kindness in the world. When we seek the beautiful in people, it soon manifests itself ― and this world becomes a miraculous, glorious experience for us.
Singing or playing an instrument takes you a step closer to divinity.
There is a reason why they say that since God couldn't be everywhere, He made Moms!