Saturday, July 27, 2024
post-Why Must Progress Gobble Up Our Trees?Why Must Progress Gobble Up Our Trees?

Why do trees have to be felled in the name of development when there are laws to protect our natural resources?

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post-Sugar is Sweet and DeadlySugar is Sweet and Deadly

Sugary desserts and colas can give us a high and make us feel good, but its effects on our organs and bodies is deadly.

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post-Cheers to Freedom in India’s DemocracyCheers to Freedom in India’s Democracy

Freedom is the soul of democracy. We need to keep it safe and strong to ensure that our democracy never falters or flounders.

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post-Online Games and a Dopamine RushOnline Games and a Dopamine Rush

Playing games on the mobile is a solitary pursuit, but it is addictive and all-consuming.

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post-How to Change Darkness into LightHow to Change Darkness into Light

By attuning ourselves to forces of light, and directing our thoughts to be positive, optimistic and hopeful, we can transform darkness into light.

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post-A Christmas of HarmonyA Christmas of Harmony

Let’s celebrate Christmas 2023 in a spirit of unity, harmony and brotherhood, minus the tags of region, religion and community.

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post-Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D Through SunlightGet Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D Through Sunlight

Head outdoors to get your daily dose of Vitamin D to prevent depression, osteoporosis and bone pain.

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post-The Bond Between Sports and SpiritualityThe Bond Between Sports and Spirituality

Sports enables us to attain a higher state. Swami Vivekananda said, “In kicking a ball or playing a game, you are much closer to the divine than you will ever be in prayer.”

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post-What is Heaven and Hell?What is Heaven and Hell?

Your state of mind decides whether you make your life a hell or a heaven.

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