Saturday, July 27, 2024


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, 95, is an Islamic spiritual scholar who has adopted peace as the mission of his life. Author of more than 200 books, he is known for his Gandhian views, and considers non-violence as the only method to achieve success.

post-Eid Spreads Joy, Love and BrotherhoodEid Spreads Joy, Love and Brotherhood

Eid is celebrated to spread joy among all, so that we can make this world a better place by fostering love and brotherhood, irrespective of caste or creed.

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post-A Formula to Fight Failure and be SuccessfulA Formula to Fight Failure and be Successful

A simple formula to fight the frustration of failure and be successful: When one option fails, try the next one, as the world is full of options.

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post-Spirituality and Politics Can Never Walk Hand-in-HandSpirituality and Politics Can Never Walk Hand-in-Hand

Spirituality inspires man to get closer to God. Politics may take him away from God. Spirituality and politics must both refrain from encroaching upon each other’s fields, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN Spirituality should be everyone’s primary concern and politics, or...

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post-Fasting Improves Self-Control, Raises Spiritual StrengthFasting Improves Self-Control, Raises Spiritual Strength

Roza is a way of self-empowerment. It is a saintly method of self-uplift and fasting inculcates the spirit of self-control, which is the other name for spiritual strength, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN Shock is a kind of treatment adopted by...

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post-The True Spirit of LearningThe True Spirit of Learning

The learning process is a must for everyone and that applies to both men and women. The old man is just as much in need of it as the young man, says MAULNANA WAHIDUDIN KHAN, explaining the true spirit of...

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post-Work Wonders With Your MindWork Wonders With Your Mind

The mind is a very powerful tool with amazing potential and great energy that can work wonders in our lives, provided we give it room to express itself in the right direction,  says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN There is an enormous...

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post-Eid: A Festival of Peace and HumanityEid: A Festival of Peace and Humanity

Eid al-Fitr reminds us that real happiness lies in sharing with others the bounties that God has given us. When celebrated this way, Eid al-Fitr will truly become Eid al-Insaan, a festival of peace and humanity, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN...

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post-A Good Society Can Be A RealityA Good Society Can Be A Reality

We can make a good society a reality by ushering in an intellectual awakening on non-violent lines and initiating inter-community dialogue on peaceful lines, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN   What constitutes a good society? A good society is the cherished...

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post-Simple Steps to SuccessSimple Steps to Success

MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN shares with us simple tips to success Psychologists have estimated that we put to use only 10% of the abilities with which we are born. Despite the innate qualities nature has endowed us with, the successes which...

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