SHAKTI DURGA says that scientific studies have proven that when you think positively, you impact yourself in the same manner Science is starting to discover that how we think has a dramatic effect on our health and wellbeing. In other words,...

SHAKTI DURGA says that scientific studies have proven that when you think positively, you impact yourself in the same manner Science is starting to discover that how we think has a dramatic effect on our health and wellbeing. In other words,...
The most important thing in life is to do our karma keeping in mind our responsibility at any given time without bothering about the outcome. Life and death are like stations where we pause and reboot to carry on with the...
Let’s apply the Valentine Week’s message of love to all humanity, says REENA SINGH All of us know about February 14, the day that symbolises celebration of romantic love all through the world. What is not so well-known is the...
While being spiritual, a true yogi is also empowered with a high level of intelligence, and is capable of controlling his own mind When we think of a yogi, we imagine someone sitting in seclusion in a cave or on...
DR KAITY CAMA outlines the many benefits of meditation. She says meditators feel more relaxed, perform their jobs with greater calm and ease, and attract calm people and calm situations around them Meditation is one of the most powerful strengths, and...
If we can live knowing that we’re really in the Mother’s arms, that we’re being carried by God, if we can allow that faith to take over, it will replace the fear in our life, says SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI You...
DR SANJAY TEOTIA captures the divine essence of the world’s eternally romantic, yet divine union that spurs us on to touch the divinity within us Radha’s love for Krishna is unique in every dimension and form of love – and without doubt, it is a type of...
Egyptian writer NAGLAA MAHFOUZ spells out the dos and don’ts of success Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines....
We can conquer our pernicious desires with the help of Vedic psychology, which is far superior to the empirical theories of modern psychology, says SWAMI MUKUNDANANDA in his new book, ‘The Science of Mind Management’. OSWALD PEREIRA reviews his book Here’s...
Ayurveda writer and teacher RENU GULATI gives us some practical tips on conquering loneliness Loneliness is a major factor in disease and death. It can even drive one to suicide, psycho-emotional diseases and premature death. Look at how many people...
This tale by SEEMA MUNIZ shows how each one of us sees God differently Master, where is God?” asked the four eager disciples at the end of their term. “Here, and There”, the Master replied serenely, sweeping with his downcast...
Each one of us, consciously or unconsciously, plays a part in making religious coexistence a reality, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN, who has been awarded the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian award, for his exceptional contribution in the field of spiritualism...
PRIYA KHANNA grew up a Hindu, in an army family who followed the Arya Samaji faith. This is an account of her experiments in attempting to unearth the true meaning of spirituality As I have grown older, I have become...
Stress is like a slow-moving time bomb that can mar the quality of your life and eventually cause diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease. But you can guard against these lifestyle diseases by a simple yoga routine, says YOGI DR AMRIT...
Let us all thank the gurus in our lives, for without them we would have achieved nothing, says RAMESH RAJARAMAN Gurus or teachers play an important role in our lives from birth. They not only impart subject knowledge, but also play...
DR PARUL GUPTA has pledged to begin working on herself, this year. “It is only when you feel good about yourself that you can help others feel good, too,” she says We are already into the third week of January,...
When you die, the question that God will ask you is, “Do you love me?” It couldn’t matter to God whether you’ve been a Hindu or a Jew or a Christian. It isn’t a matter of how long you meditate,...
Once there is self-respect, coupled with respect for all that exists, peace will follow and take root in the world, resulting in an end to violence, says RENU GULATI The word ahimsa translated as non-violence is bandied about a lot....