Monday, March 3, 2025
post-Never Ask God Questions; Always Trust Your CreatorNever Ask God Questions; Always Trust Your Creator

Never ask God questions, because He always knows what’s best for us, says MANAS DAS, narrating a real life story to explain why we should always trust our Creator Life is kind and judicious to each one in this universe...

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post-Indians Understand True NationalismIndians Understand True Nationalism

The movie, ‘Samrat Prithviraj’ with superstar Akshay Kumar in the lead role seems to be heading for a crash. The reason may be that our mature film audience is not likely to be influenced by films that may not really...

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post-Watch Out for a Rotting GutWatch Out for a Rotting Gut

Ayurveda believes that if you clean up your gut, you will soon be on your way to a new you, writes REENA SINGH When I got acquainted with Ayurveda principles some 12 years ago, I began to understand the connection...

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post-How Reading can Change Your LifeHow Reading can Change Your Life

Self-help and spiritual books have flooded the market. This is a top-selling genre, outselling thrillers and murder mysteries, biographies and autobiographies. The BRAHMA KUMARIS discuss how reading such books makes us better versions of ourselves Let’s dive straight into the...

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post-Sanatana Dharma and Communal HarmonySanatana Dharma and Communal Harmony

In today’s environment in India where religious and communal disharmony keeps threatening to raise its ugly head, Sanatana Dharma is our perfect panacea for communal harmony, says OSWALD PEREIRA Our Bharat has a rich philosophical, spiritual and cultural legacy. In...

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post-From the Sublime to the RidiculousFrom the Sublime to the Ridiculous

Composed and consciously shutting out the latent snobbery of her non-believer heart, SEEMA MUNIZ steps into the revered ancient interiors of the Meenakshi temple Two rock doves flutter above me to land on the monolithic buttress supporting the entrance. A...

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post-Veg or Non-Veg: The Choice is YoursVeg or Non-Veg: The Choice is Yours

When you make a food or diet choice, go not only by your gut feeling but also by your soul-feeling. After all, God doesn’t judge you by the food you eat, but by the company you keep and the life...

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post-Lessons in Humility from Tabla Maestro Zakir HussainLessons in Humility from Tabla Maestro Zakir Hussain

SHAILAJA GANGULY reflects on the many humble qualities of legendary tabla maestro Zakir Hussain   A recent viral video showed Zakirbhai mourning the passing on of his dear friend and fellow artiste – the renowned and much respected santoor maestro...

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post-Beautiful WorldBeautiful World

As our website YoursPositively completes two years today, OSWALD PEREIRA shares his thoughts on our beautiful world The world is full of lovely, loving, beautiful people. Don’t let a miniscule minority of so-called bad persons spoil the party. Let us...

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post-Hey Media, How About Emulating the Real Narada Muni?Hey Media, How About Emulating the Real Narada Muni?

Narada Muni was considered the first journalist to walk the earth. Today, on his birth anniversary, let us pledge to follow only authentic journalists and not the lapdog media, says REENA SINGH Are journalists today following in the worthy footsteps...

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post-The Joys and Sorrows of EatingThe Joys and Sorrows of Eating

Is eating three meals a day a healthy or a dangerous habit? OSWALD PEREIRA analyses the issue Do we need three meals a day to live a healthy life? For the vast majority of people, the answer would be an...

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post-The Consciousness ComplexityThe Consciousness Complexity

What really is Consciousness? DR SANJAY TEOTIA analyses this complex phenomenon The human mind often goes against itself when it is trying to explain the nature of consciousness. Is it something universal and primal as has been suggested by ancient...

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post-Actionless in ActionActionless in Action

Analysing the essence of chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita, NITA AGARWAL, says that when we perform all actions without any fear of the fruits, with a meditative state of mind, in complete surrender to Bhagwan Krishna, we can perform...

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post-Brave Single MothersBrave Single Mothers

As we celebrate Mother’s Day today, I would like to dedicate this day to single mothers, who bravely and efficiently bring up their children single-handedly without a husband by their side, says OSWALD PEREIRA She became a war widow at...

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post-Covid-19 Death Counts in India: Time to Take StockCovid-19 Death Counts in India: Time to Take Stock

Following the WHO vs. the Indian Government controversy on Covid-19 death figures, REENA SINGH pens an account of the deaths she knew of personally… I am not an official statistician, and neither do I have a head for figures. It...

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post-Seven Tips for Health and HappinessSeven Tips for Health and Happiness

Follow these simple principles to put you on the road to health and happiness, say the BRAHMA KUMARIS Happiness, as defined by many, is to have something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to. All of...

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post-Eid: A Festival of Peace and HumanityEid: A Festival of Peace and Humanity

Eid al-Fitr reminds us that real happiness lies in sharing with others the bounties that God has given us. When celebrated this way, Eid al-Fitr will truly become Eid al-Insaan, a festival of peace and humanity, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN...

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post-Shun Communal Disharmony. Fight Poverty and Unemployment, insteadShun Communal Disharmony. Fight Poverty and Unemployment, instead

India is the only country in the world that was ruled by Muslims for nearly 1,000 years and yet never become a Muslim nation. This was because of the high spiritual quotient of all Indians, writes DR ANIL K RAJVANSHI. He...

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