The BRAHMA KUMARIS pay rich tributes to the six gurus we encounter in our daily life

On this day, let us remember all the teachers who have taught us something in life. The importance of teachers can’t be overlooked because they know our strengths, our weaknesses, our ways of studying and how to make us better. Teachers come into our lives, leave a mark and wish the best for us through our life’s journey. The lessons are sometimes taught with strictness, but they become life lessons which make us successful. Let’s thank all our teachers today.


God teaches us the importance of gratitude. The creator of the world created everything beautiful but we harmed it with our thoughts and influenced our actions but the sun still shines, the water still flows, the trees still grow. Let’s thank God for giving us family, friends, food, the elements of nature and everything else that is still keeping our lives comfortable on Planet Earth.


Parents teach us the importance of moral values. We live our whole lives doing what we want but if we stick to our moral values, then we achieve success with peace of mind. Moral values act as a shield of safety and help us do the right karma from time to time. Let’s thank our parents for inculcating those moral values in us.


Friends teach us the importance of listening without judging. Friends are important as they will never listen to us with the intent of judging, but rather of helping us. Friends connect with us usually without expectations. They will jump into our lives at the most unexpected time and help us solve problems. Let us be friends to everyone in need.


The Boss teaches us importance of self-discipline and teamwork. Both these aspects are important for self-growth. Self-discipline helps us in personal success and teamwork helps us in group success. At work, both skills help us to achieve professional success. Let’s thank the bosses for our growth.


Nature teaches us the importance of adjustment and timing. Water flows but makes adjustments around the barriers and continues its journey. The sun rises and sets on time and the weather changes according to the seasons showing us the importance of time. Let’s thank the elements of nature.


There is no greater teacher than experience. Experience stays with us life-long through various lives. It determines how we develop as a person and how we react in situations. Let’s thank life for giving us various experiences and making us who we are today.

Brahma Kumaris is the largest spiritual organisation in the world led by women. It was the founder, Prajapita Brahma Baba, who chose to put women in the forefront. Founded in India in 1937, Brahma Kumaris has spread to over 140 countries and has had an extensive impact in many sectors as an international NGO. However, their real commitment is to helping individuals transform their perspective of the world from material to spiritual.

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