Saturday, July 27, 2024

Category: Wellness

post-God’s Unlimited Healing PowerGod’s Unlimited Healing Power

When we trust God, we realize that He has unlimited healing power that can cure us of any ailment, including so-called fatal diseases like cancer.

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post-Ayurveda Vs Allopathy – A Never-ending DebateAyurveda Vs Allopathy – A Never-ending Debate

We can’t possibly train budding allopaths in the principles of Ayurveda and ayurvedacharyas in the principles of allopathy, in a crash course, as the two sciences are different and so vast.

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post-Grow Your Happiness Tree with Your Happy HormonesGrow Your Happiness Tree with Your Happy Hormones

There are four essential hormones that our body manufactures to give us the right blend of happiness, stability, calmness and motivation.

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post-We are all Miracle Men and WomenWe are all Miracle Men and Women

All of us are capable of creating our own miracles, as it is a power gifted to us by God.

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post-Wisdom Brings Peace and HappinessWisdom Brings Peace and Happiness

DR SANJAY TEOTIA says that our primary goal is to find wisdom; only the wise find true peace and happiness, a state of mind that comes when we are self-realised Only wisdom brings peace and happiness to us; and it...

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post-Ayurveda Can Prevent Suicide and DepressionAyurveda Can Prevent Suicide and Depression

DR CYRIL KADAM explains how Ayurveda can help restore your equilibrium so that you learn to cope with life’s stresses and extreme situations One often hears about suicides of well-known people in newspapers. A recent example is about the sad...

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post-Your Habits Impact Your EyesightYour Habits Impact Your Eyesight

DR SANJAY TEOTIA says that stress and tension, diabetes, and even medication for pain management and high blood pressure can eventually lead to blurring of vision. Take care of your eyes. They are God’s most precious gift to you Many...

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post-Loving God is the Best Cure for NervousnessLoving God is the Best Cure for Nervousness

Loving God is the first, and best, cure for nervousness ― healthy food then becomes supplementary to the primary panacea, says OSWALD PEREIRA When we are down, many of us turn to ice cream, because it’s a delicacy and makes...

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post-How to Stop Thinking NegativelyHow to Stop Thinking Negatively

The way out of negative thinking is to make a commitment to loving kindness, and make sure that you are also a recipient of it, says SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI Negative thinking is a tragic pattern that many of us fall...

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