Sunday, March 2, 2025

Category: Talking Tree

post-Underreacting: the New Powerful MantraUnderreacting: the New Powerful Mantra

In a world of outrage, you could overreact, misreact or underreact. NONA WALIA analyses underreacting, the new skill to be cultivated when everyone else overreacts   On social media, daily outrage is the new trend. Everyone is in a constant...

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post-The Joys and Sorrows of RetirementThe Joys and Sorrows of Retirement

VM SASIDHAR takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the ups and downs of retired life after four decades with a leading oil company As I was glancing through the newspaper, my wife handed over a cup of piping hot filter coffee....

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post-Kaka Baptista:  Unsung Hero of Indian IndependenceKaka Baptista:  Unsung Hero of Indian Independence

We will become a more vibrant democracy if every Indian follows Kaka Baptista’s example and lives his ideals of true freedom and independence, says OSWALD PEREIRA Contrary to lies spread by mischievous elements, Christians have been an integral part of...

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post-Way to Happiness Through Mental HealthWay to Happiness Through Mental Health

DR ANIL K RAJVANSHI fears that up to 30 per cent of our youth suffers from severe anxiety disorder. Can a combination of drugs and yoga reduce this, he questions I was a student at IIT Kanpur in the late...

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post-The Key to HealingThe Key to Healing

MOHANJI says that people’s faith is what heals them First, believe there’s a possibility that with grace, things can change. In life, if you believe in something, it’ll work. What did Jesus say? Let your faith heal you. He never said, “I...

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post-Learning to Change With the TimesLearning to Change With the Times

While it is good to live with the values learnt in your childhood, sometimes you have to break free, says RENU GULATI All of us are bound by rules and regulations we acquire from our family, society, culture and environment....

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post-The Present Slithers PastThe Present Slithers Past

Rodents, toads and a rat snake send SEEMA MUNIZ and her family into a tizzy even as elsewhere in the country, the usual heat, political and communal cacophony raises its discordant head It passed noiselessly from our front yard. “Good,”...

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post-Indians Understand True NationalismIndians Understand True Nationalism

The movie, ‘Samrat Prithviraj’ with superstar Akshay Kumar in the lead role seems to be heading for a crash. The reason may be that our mature film audience is not likely to be influenced by films that may not really...

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post-From the Sublime to the RidiculousFrom the Sublime to the Ridiculous

Composed and consciously shutting out the latent snobbery of her non-believer heart, SEEMA MUNIZ steps into the revered ancient interiors of the Meenakshi temple Two rock doves flutter above me to land on the monolithic buttress supporting the entrance. A...

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post-The Consciousness ComplexityThe Consciousness Complexity

What really is Consciousness? DR SANJAY TEOTIA analyses this complex phenomenon The human mind often goes against itself when it is trying to explain the nature of consciousness. Is it something universal and primal as has been suggested by ancient...

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post-Covid-19 Death Counts in India: Time to Take StockCovid-19 Death Counts in India: Time to Take Stock

Following the WHO vs. the Indian Government controversy on Covid-19 death figures, REENA SINGH pens an account of the deaths she knew of personally… I am not an official statistician, and neither do I have a head for figures. It...

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post-Grandma’s Old TrunkGrandma’s Old Trunk

SEEMA MUNIZ finds a trunkful of memories left behind by her grandmother making her recall the good old days An object gets reduced to junk when it outlives its usefulness. A few days ago, on Earth Day, I rescued our...

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post-Religious Conversions: Real or Fake News?Religious Conversions: Real or Fake News?

Are religious conversions really happening in India or is it just a bogey being raised by some people for a reason? REENA SINGH delves into the true picture Altogether, I studied in four large convent schools, run by Christian nuns,...

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post-Zelenskyy: New Hero on the World StageZelenskyy: New Hero on the World Stage

SEEMA MUNIZ researches Zelenskyy’s meteoric rise to power from an actor and comedian to superstardom in the political arena Spanning three seasons, the 51-episode Servant of the People, a political satire, not only kicked Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s career as a comedian and...

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post-Of Wars, Movies and DreamsOf Wars, Movies and Dreams

A jumbled dream mingles with the disturbing reality of war and communal tensions that hang heavy in the air prompting writer, poet and artist, SEEMA MUNIZ to pen down her confused emotions My head hurt. The air, heavy with incongruity,...

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post-The Thin Dividing Line Between Right and WrongThe Thin Dividing Line Between Right and Wrong

Do you fall apart when you have to take a tough decision regarding your children that has no clear-cut right or wrong answer? REENA SINGH examines moral dilemmas in urban Indian homes that are becoming increasingly inevitable Moral dilemmas –...

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post-Let’s Unite to End DiscordLet’s Unite to End Discord

Now is the time for all good men and women of India to unite and put an end to all the artificial discord being fanned by vested interests, says OSWALD PEREIRA On September 21, 2020, our family took a big...

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post-My Tryst with the BeastMy Tryst with the Beast

“They say that because I didn’t take the jab, the virus has chosen to take a jab at me,” says poet, writer and artist, SEEMA MUNIZ Head exploding with blinding bits of jarring light, body pumping out heat, bones broken...

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