While Covid-19 brings grief to those who lose their near and dear ones, for some it is a great opportunity to make big money and add to their bank account. OSWALD PEREIRA wonders how much of this money will be...

While Covid-19 brings grief to those who lose their near and dear ones, for some it is a great opportunity to make big money and add to their bank account. OSWALD PEREIRA wonders how much of this money will be...
At one time, the East was pure, although chaotic. But over the years, things have changed, says RENU GULATI as she traces the gradual decline in human values I have travelled across much of south east Asia and the middle East as...
The big secret of mastering Mental Toughness is to thrive, and not just survive when the tide is against you. It means that whatever happens, you should strive to grow, not simply be a cork floating on a stream, says NONA...
SEEMA MUNIZ recounts how she was once part of a group that set about spreading propaganda and making people believe in it. At that time, it was all so thrilling, but today, she knows better and asks you to look...
DR KAITY CAMA believes that practically all ailments, including cancer are stress-related and can be reversed by a simple, single intention on the part of the patient Specific medical conditions need specifically worded affirmations, such as the following: “With every breath...
Is flirting ever okay? Are you being impure in your mind if you choose to flirt? Every flirt has battled with these questions at some time or the other in their life. And almost everyone has flirted, says REENA SINGH...
As the Divine is in all things, we see all things as equal ― and especially, all people are equal and we practice this equality of vision by honouring the spirit that dwells within each and every one of us,...
RENU GULATI, a teacher of Ayurveda, works with women’s groups in Rishikesh. She analyses whether our lifestyle can be 100 per cent sustainable in this day and age I run a women’s empowerment group and sustainability organisation in Rishikesh and...
DR SANJAY TEOTIA suggests that it is okay to be delusional sometimes to a very limited extent To delude oneself is basic nature for most. Delusions are false beliefs, but nevertheless it is a belief held with strong conviction despite evidence to...
DR PARUL GUPTA’s heartfelt tribute to the brave CRPF soldiers who lost their lives in the Pulwama attack on February 14, 2019, two years ago Our flag doesn’t fly because the wind moves it; it flies with the force of the...
Egyptian writer NAGLAA MAHFOUZ spells out the dos and don’ts of success Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines....
Once there is self-respect, coupled with respect for all that exists, peace will follow and take root in the world, resulting in an end to violence, says RENU GULATI The word ahimsa translated as non-violence is bandied about a lot....
SHASHI DIP stumbles upon a bag full of old handwritten letters and cards, which remind her how abundantly rich and blessed she has been all through her life Recently when I was searching for some files in the loft of...
MANJRI SHARMA, who contracted Covid-19, together with her husband, learnt to value the many things she had hitherto taken for granted – the care and love showered on her and her husband by her extended family and the ample sun...
Hold on to your sense of self in any relationship, however intimate, cautions RENU GULATI We are all interconnected; the world operates as one ecosystem and we all depend on each other for the smooth operation of a holistic universe. Dependence, however...
What sells at traffic signals and on footpaths is usually a bestseller. Putting those titles on your reading list will be a good idea, says REENA SINGH There are some evergreen titles that are always sold at traffic signals. They...
KALA RAMESH reminisces on her unforgettable trip to the idyllic city of Manado in Indonesia About seven years ago, in the year 2013, I had the good fortune to visit Manado, which is the capital city of the Indonesian province...
Look at the positive side of crying; it makes you feel so very human and wanted, says MOHUA CHINAPPA A guy friend once complimented me for looking “pretty” while I cried. As the tears of grief flowed non-stop, I was...