Let’s talk to God first, before we talk to each other. That would help us connect and see that we are all one, says OSWALD PEREIRA When I was a child, I used to sneak out of bed late at...

Let’s talk to God first, before we talk to each other. That would help us connect and see that we are all one, says OSWALD PEREIRA When I was a child, I used to sneak out of bed late at...
When we recognize ourselves as a blend of Shiva-Shakti, we unite with the unending source of intuitive and calm energy within us, says SHILPY AHUJA Nature has given us the gift of an experiential life journey marked by continuous change...
DR SANJAY TEOTIA describes man’s spiritual journey which is the soul’s training in God consciousness There is a beautiful synergy between the teachings of Jesus Christ to enter the Kingdom of God within you and the teachings of spirituality as...
The BRAHMA KUMARIS pay rich tributes to the six gurus we encounter in our daily life On this day, let us remember all the teachers who have taught us something in life. The importance of teachers can’t be overlooked because...
OSWALD PEREIRA writes on Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s thoughts on peace and Islam Violence has no place in Islam. “The true objective of Islam is to introduce man to his creator and to make him desirous of God’s neighbourhood,” according to...
On Father’s Day today OSWALD PEREIRA narrates the true life story of a beggar who was given employment by his father A man had been begging for many years in our village, Kolbad, in Thane. Most of the villagers would...
Never ask God questions, because He always knows what’s best for us, says MANAS DAS, narrating a real life story to explain why we should always trust our Creator Life is kind and judicious to each one in this universe...
In today’s environment in India where religious and communal disharmony keeps threatening to raise its ugly head, Sanatana Dharma is our perfect panacea for communal harmony, says OSWALD PEREIRA Our Bharat has a rich philosophical, spiritual and cultural legacy. In...
As our website YoursPositively completes two years today, OSWALD PEREIRA shares his thoughts on our beautiful world The world is full of lovely, loving, beautiful people. Don’t let a miniscule minority of so-called bad persons spoil the party. Let us...
As we celebrate Mother’s Day today, I would like to dedicate this day to single mothers, who bravely and efficiently bring up their children single-handedly without a husband by their side, says OSWALD PEREIRA She became a war widow at...
Eid al-Fitr reminds us that real happiness lies in sharing with others the bounties that God has given us. When celebrated this way, Eid al-Fitr will truly become Eid al-Insaan, a festival of peace and humanity, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN...
Amidst the hate mongering fanned in different parts of the country, entrepreneur and philanthropist ASEEM KUMAR found communal harmony prevalent in Bihar, even as he witnessed a Muslim woman assist the pundit at his niece’s marriage ceremony Having a potbelly...
As we celebrate Easter today, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let’s make a pledge to end strife and war and usher in peace and happiness in the world, says OSWALD PEREIRA From zero to 2.38 billion Christians today...
The next time we chant Jai Shri Ram, which means “Glory to Lord Rama”, let’s say it in a spirit of love, brotherhood, oneness and compassion ― not as a weapon of exclusivity or superiority. Only then would it reflect...
Entrepreneur and philanthropist ASEEM KUMAR narrates true life stories which prove that service has no religion attached to it My mother-in-law, Chandrakala Prasad, recently passed away peacefully at home, in presence of the entire family. After the demise of...
DR SANJAY TEOTIA describes the states of delusion and suggests different types of meditation that help you to overcome them What is delusion? Does it happen when you superimpose an idea or memory onto something else and create an entirely...
RENU GULATI, who runs Stree, a women’s empowerment organisation in Rishikesh examines what International Women’s Day means UNESCO states, “The first National Woman’s Day was observed in the United States on February 28 1909, which the Socialist Party of America dedicated...
Forgiveness has great power. It is a glorious and selfless act that could radically transform the lives of both the forgiver and the forgiven ― for the better, says OSWALD PEREIRA All faiths worldwide recommend it. There’s universal agreement among...