There is a voice inside you that whispers all day long – and if you listen to this voice, you will know what’s right for you, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without taking recourse to...

There is a voice inside you that whispers all day long – and if you listen to this voice, you will know what’s right for you, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without taking recourse to...
The girls in an orphanage near my home are a great inspiration ― for, they live so joyously, fighting all odds, seeking no sympathy, eager to give more love than they receive, says SHASHI DIP Every year I celebrate my...
Relationship is something which has to be revered, adored, honestly endorsed, and more than that, celebrated with a sense of ownership and accountability, says BATURAM NAYAK The connotation of the word ‘Relationship’ carries a deeper meaning than the surface sense...
How should you take Ayurveda decoctions and herbs on your own? DR PARMESHWAR ARORA, senior consultant in Ayurveda at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi, gives you some sage advice There is a myth surrounding ayurveda medicines. People believe...
Speaking the truth is the foundation upon which our character can be flawlessly built, says DR KAITY CAMA We all have some weaknesses, some faults, some failings. By cultivating our strengths, these weaknesses are automatically eradicated from our persona, unpeeling the...
Tomorrow will be another day; whether it will be a good day or a bad day, doesn’t really matter. Only love matters, says CHANA MEDDIN October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the US. So I went for my mammogram...
Regular connection with God eventually frees the soul from the influence of vices, and it is only after achieving this liberation that the soul can experience lasting happiness, say BRAHMA KUMARIS Most of us go through life making various efforts...
My 30-day trip across India when I was an engineering college student in 1977, was my first lesson in unity in diversity of our culturally and spiritually rich country, says RAMESH RAJARAMAN Travel is always a learning experience. Even though...
REENA SINGH reminds us that today, November 1, is World Vegan Day Veganism is now much more than a health fad. It is a worldwide movement and ties up with the mission to save the world. Vegans claim that the...
It doesn’t matter what language you pray in. Just pray, and you will see the magic, says SWAMI CHIDANAND SARASWATI The key to removing the ‘want’ from our lives is to give more, serve more and sacrifice more. One of...
Individuals, planet and universe align through constant change, says SUSAN NI RAHILLY Those of you who are in a regular mind-body-spirit practice are aware of and in tune with your own Chakras. Our Planet also has Chakras: energetic gateways to...
We must correctly balance our material wealth with spiritual wisdom to attain comfort for the body, peace for the mind and joy for the spirit, says GIAN KUMAR What is spiritual power? Is it that inner awareness and the capability...
How should we manage our ego?It is very easy. It is said that when a peacock sees its beautiful feathers, it becomes proud, but when it sees its ugly legs, it becomes modest. The same is true of man. In...
Keep busy and you will never feel the blues, says REENA SINGH This morning, as I was leafing through the pages of a tiny booklet entitled, Be Tension Free by Shri Shri Kinkar Vitthal Ramanuja, one tiny chapter within it caught my...
As women were epitomes of spiritual attainments in the Vedic period when Rishikas were as revered as Rishis, it’s evident that there was gender equality then, says ATMAPRAJNANANDA SARASWATI Throughout the ages, Rishis have been highly revered. Persons in the Rigveda who had...
Don’t kill, but conquer the Ravana in you.” Isn’t that so true? We all have a Ravana within whom we need to defeat and be a better version of ourselves. That is one of the reasons we celebrate Dussehra. Dussehra...
During our tireless travels for the last twenty years, hopping continents, countries, adapting to new cultures, learning other languages, from time to time, I was reminded of the old man who owned a little tea shop on the outskirts of...
The perspective that my friend lent me on one mystical night in a nondescript corner of the sprawling balcony of our college has remained in me alive as a guiding force for the rest of my life, says BATURAM NAYAK...