Those with great faith, who are able to accept whatever comes and whatever goes and surrender everything into the hands of God, are usually able to sleep peacefully, like babies in the lap of the Mother, says DR ANITA DUGGAL...

Those with great faith, who are able to accept whatever comes and whatever goes and surrender everything into the hands of God, are usually able to sleep peacefully, like babies in the lap of the Mother, says DR ANITA DUGGAL...
We should pray to God not to seek a list of favours but to connect with the Divine and change ourselves, says SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI Prayer plays a very deep and important role in our life, but the role is...
Look at the positive side of crying; it makes you feel so very human and wanted, says MOHUA CHINAPPA A guy friend once complimented me for looking “pretty” while I cried. As the tears of grief flowed non-stop, I was...
Patience shows us the way to peace and boundless joy, says DR ANITA DUGGAL Patience (dhairya) is a rare virtue. It is now becoming rarer, as the virtue is being rapidly lost in our modern world. We live in a...
The gift of living is breathtakingly miraculous and creation feels like one great vibration of love, says CHANA MEDDIN Walking down the wide hall to my doctor’s office last week, I began feeling anxious. A second round of mammograms indicated...
PRIYA KHANNA vividly captures the panoramic view of the majestic mountains during her first helicopter ride, which was all the more memorable because the destination was Kedarnath My husband doesn’t talk much, which is why he often manages to startle...
It is easy to smile. Pull your muscles and practise smiling in the mirror. You will cheer up — and also cheer up others around you, says DR PARUL GUPTA Can anyone imagine a life without a smile? That one and half...
One who can meticulously discover the meeting point of his head and heart can hope to open up the door of his soul, and aspire to be blessed with the power of insight, says BATURAM NAYAK It is said: “There’s...
This inspirational talk by Nayaswamis JYOTISH and DEVI delivered a decade ago is relevant even today and can brighten up our lives and lessen the fear of this current pandemic Paramhansa Yogananda often said, “Creation is a dream of God...
God created men and women to be equal partners on earth, in His beautiful blue planet ― to flourish and prosper and live in happiness and harmony. Let us not mar our joy by confronting each other, says OSWALD PEREIRA...
Every day five-minute free slots come our way. It’s up to us to make good use of it or waste it in useless pursuits, says REENA SINGH It takes about five minutes to make a phone call to a pal...
Wise men who gracefully handle their money and use it for the well-being of themselves, their family and society, are truly rich and earn love and respect from the world, says MOHANJI Why do we think that money is bad?...
As all major developments have taken place in the world by people ‘standing on the shoulders of their predecessors’, we should acknowledge the contribution that senior citizens can make to society and bring them into the mainstream to uphold the...
Maintain positivity in front of others, while working out your negative issues in the background, because it is important to work for the greater good of the whole, which is a belief supported by Ayurveda as well, says RENU GULATI...
God is Light, within and without. When there’s a synergy between the two, we have peace and happiness. Then denomination and nomenclature don’t really matter. What really matters is oneness and the fact that the Light is above all divisions,...
It is not only important but essential for a good leader to believe in and implement acts of practical spirituality, says RAMESH RAJARAMAN Leadership applies not only to the workplace, but to every group where one has to lead a...
SEEMA MUNIZ recalls her first job interview with the famous Anand Hingorani, who had been Gandhiji’s personal secretary and editor of the weekly magazine, Harijan When I received my first interview call, I was a little nervous. For having spent much...
The discriminating power of understanding what is good and bad, eternal and non-eternal is God’s gift to mankind, says SRILA BHAKTI BALLABH TIRTHA GOSWAMI MAHARAJ The Supreme Lord never interferes with the relative independence of conditioned souls. If their relative...