Tuesday, March 4, 2025
post-The Art Of Transcending Our DifferencesThe Art Of Transcending Our Differences

A free culture has filled the world with differences, which leads to negative thoughts about others, but the art of living in such an environment is to transcend our differences and convert every difference into something positive, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN...

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post-The Power of BreathingThe Power of Breathing

Breathing may be simple, but it’s powerful ― controlled use of the outbreaths releases toxins, helping you balance your inner subtle energies, says SUSAN NI RAHILLY Personally, I love the Yoga concepts of the Bliss State, the stillness of the Ultimate Mind...

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post-Showing Children the Spiritual PathShowing Children the Spiritual Path

SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI explains how we can show the young the way to spirituality, especially if they don’t seem inclined When I was in school, if our teacher asked a question, simply giving the right answer wasn’t enough. The teacher...

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post-Banishing Negativity: The Problem Management ApproachBanishing Negativity: The Problem Management Approach

The problem management approach is not only meant for machines but can be applied to human beings, too, in an endeavour to prevent unwanted, negative energies from invading our mind, intellect and spirit, says RAMESH RAJARAMAN In our IT framework, there...

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post-Yoga for the GodlessYoga for the Godless

Sri M’s new book, ‘Yoga Also for the Godless’, reviewed by OSWALD PEREIRA In my late teens and later in life, I did complicated yoga asanas, including the headstand. I would also do some basic meditation. In the last few...

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post-Musings on Success, Happiness  & EgoMusings on Success, Happiness & Ego

The more flexible you are, the more successful you are; when you are absolutely flexible, you are absolutely successful, says MOHANJI Have you ever wondered why certain patterns stay on and do not leave us? We are suffocated and tired...

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post-Who Were They Before Becoming Gurus?Who Were They Before Becoming Gurus?

REENA SINGH recounts the everyday stories of several New Age God men and women she has had occasion to meet In the almost ten years I spent working for India’s top spiritual newspaper, where I retired as Deputy Editor, I...

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post-A Bag of TreasuresA Bag of Treasures

SHASHI DIP stumbles upon a bag full of old handwritten letters and cards, which remind her how abundantly rich and blessed she has been all through her life  Recently when I was searching for some files in the loft of...

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post-Anger Management: Way to Health and HappinessAnger Management: Way to Health and Happiness

Getting rid of anger may seem very difficult to you, but if you really and truly want to be anger-free and fear-free, then one small step at a time will help, says DR KAITY CAMA In today’s fast-moving world, anger...

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post-Peace and Joy in 2021Peace and Joy in 2021

May the year 2021, bring peace and real joy to our world. After living a life without indulgences in 2020, we have now realised that we can live satisfactorily, even beautifully with the minimum in life, says NITA AGARWAL May...

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post-Vipassana Meditation for Inner TransformationVipassana Meditation for Inner Transformation

DR SANJAY TEOTIA explores the nature of Vipassana Meditation and explains how it can help us control our reactive mind What exactly is Vipassana meditation? According to dhamma.org, it is an observation-based, self-exploratory journey that focuses on the deep interconnection between...

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post-Create Your Own DestinyCreate Your Own Destiny

You are born with a unique energy signature; so make the most out of it and create your own destiny for all times to come, says GIAN KUMAR Everything around you that you call life was made up by people...

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post-A Tryst with the CoronavirusA Tryst with the Coronavirus

MANJRI SHARMA, who contracted Covid-19, together with her husband, learnt to value the many things she had hitherto taken for granted – the care and love showered on her and her husband by her extended family and the ample sun...

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post-Unite With God Through MeditationUnite With God Through Meditation

NAYASWAMIS JYOTISH and DEVI explain how we can experience the deepest states in meditation, and feel our unity with God Someone in deep meditation seems similar to one who is asleep: body completely relaxed, senses shut down. Other parts, however,...

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post-How to be Healthy and HappyHow to be Healthy and Happy

NITA BHASIN analyses why you overeat and what you can do to avoid falling ill due to overeating Strangely enough, we have reached a point where we are celebrating ‘Illness and Disease’ days such as Cancer and Diabetes day, Mental...

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post-Rediscovering Christ and ChristmasRediscovering Christ and Christmas

When we were children, Christmas was always a grand celebration, with new clothes and a sumptuous feast of the choicest food on December 25. A month before Christmas, we seven siblings ― four brothers and three sisters ― would accompany...

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post-Counselling the Bullied & the BullyCounselling the Bullied & the Bully

While it is necessary to curb bullying, counselling bullies to turn a new leaf is an important part of practical spirituality, says NITA AGARWAL Bullying is generally considered as physical or emotional harassment of a weaker person by a supposedly...

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post-Everyone is a HeroEveryone is a Hero

All of us are heroes in our own right, but it is left to us to develop our potential based on our own merit, coupled with hard work, rather than depending on favours from others, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN Everyone...

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