What is the better path to follow in order to get closer to God, Karma Sanyas or Karma Yoga? When Arjun asks Bhagwan Krishna this question, the Lord dispelling any doubt says that both Karma Sanyas and Karma Yoga lead...

What is the better path to follow in order to get closer to God, Karma Sanyas or Karma Yoga? When Arjun asks Bhagwan Krishna this question, the Lord dispelling any doubt says that both Karma Sanyas and Karma Yoga lead...
Karma does not bind one who has scarified all karma in the fire of Yoga, Bhagwan Krishna tells Arjuna. Read NITA AGARWAL’s deep insights into Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita begins with Lord...
Analysing the essence of chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita, NITA AGARWAL, says that when we perform all actions without any fear of the fruits, with a meditative state of mind, in complete surrender to Bhagwan Krishna, we can perform...
Humans, the most intelligent beings that live and breathe in this universe, should stop misusing their intellect for destruction of society, but instead pledge to do their bit to ensure communal harmony and make this society more equal and inclusive,...
Eternal bliss is the state of a person who is established in Brahman, who is Stithpragya ― and this is the only Truth. This state seems like a very uphill task for many of us ― but strive we must...
Drawing upon the eternal teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, NITA AGARWAL cites delusional worldly attractions, which could lead to our downfall and suggests ways to safeguard ourselves from a fatal fall, in the ninth article in her series on chapter...
Meditation and focus on the Supreme Bhagwan Shri Krishna, helps to slowly but steadily weaken the impressions, tendencies and perceptions of the past, leading to creation of a steady mind that is forever joyous and blissful in the Self, says NITA...
The benefits of Nishkam Karma are immense for everyone, as we all are living in a world where we have many responsibilities and need to perform our duties, says NITA AGARWAL, in the seventh article in her series on Chapter...
The real art of living lies in the route of Karma Yoga, which Lord Krishna advises, is the path for not only Arjun but for all of us to follow, says NITA AGARWAL in the sixth article in her series...
Lord Krishna’s teachings to Arjun on Dharma are timeless and very relevant to today’s modern world for people in all walks of life, says NITA AGARWAL in the fifth article in her series on Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita...
Inspired by the wise words of the world’s greatest teacher, Lord Krishna, NITA AGARWAL explains the futility of grieving over death in the fourth article in her series on Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita Seeing that Arjun is still...
In our ignorance, we believe that the death of an individual means death forever. This is definitely not so … for the simple reason that Atman is eternal and imperishable, NITA AGARWAL explains in the third article in her series...
True equanimity stems from wisdom and understanding the truth about the Eternal Self that exists at all times and is changeless, says NITA AGARWAL, in the second article in her series on chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita Confused and...
NITA AGARWAL shares her understanding of chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, in a series of articles. Chapter 2 is the most important chapter of the Gita. This is the first article in the series, which will appear in our...
On Raksha Bandhan today, NITA AGARWAL reveals fascinating scriptural aspects of the festival, while explaining the significance of Rakhi, the sacred thread Raksha Bandhan is celebrated every year on the full moon day or Purnima of the Shravan month, which...
Lord Rama will always be the epitome of Dharma and righteous living for any human society across the world, says NITA AGARWAL on the occasion of Ram Navami today From a young age, I have been an ardent devotee of Lord...
The most important thing in life is to do our karma keeping in mind our responsibility at any given time without bothering about the outcome. Life and death are like stations where we pause and reboot to carry on with the...
May the year 2021, bring peace and real joy to our world. After living a life without indulgences in 2020, we have now realised that we can live satisfactorily, even beautifully with the minimum in life, says NITA AGARWAL May...