If only we knew our real self, we would look at life differently, says SEEMA SAXENA When we look analytically into life, we cannot deny there is a supreme power working through all of us. This power is very much within...

If only we knew our real self, we would look at life differently, says SEEMA SAXENA When we look analytically into life, we cannot deny there is a supreme power working through all of us. This power is very much within...
RENU GULATI, a practitioner and teacher of Ayurveda tells you how to transform negativity into positivity What does the word ‘boredom’ mean to you? A colleague once described it as a positive state as it is relatively free of adrenalin....
We will win the war against Covid-19 ― we only need to stay fully committed and united with the Corona warriors, says DR PUSHPA CHATURVEDI India thought it was nearing the end of the Covid war. With the ever-reducing figures...
We are committed to carrying forward the spiritual legacy of MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN through his writings on this website, https://yourspositively.com. In this article, he outlines the various merits and virtues of fasting Fasting, in some form or the other, is...
Not to believe in God or a Creator is like believing that life can be artificially manifested, says SEEMA SAXENA We humans have the power to think, to contemplate and that is how we become better day by day and from...
Ayurvedacharya DR PARMESHWAR ARORA lists certain Ayurveda medicines that you can take during this time to protect and cure yourself Our aim today should be to defeat death at all costs. Here is a list of Ayurveda medicines that you...
Lord Hanuman, is the perfect example of love and devotion that we must carry in our heart for God, by whatever name we call him, says OSWALD PEREIRA In these days when true loyalty is hard to find, Lord Hanuman...
While Covid-19 brings grief to those who lose their near and dear ones, for some it is a great opportunity to make big money and add to their bank account. OSWALD PEREIRA wonders how much of this money will be...
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan has left for his heavenly abode. Long live peace and religious coexistence, which he breathed all through his life, says OSWALD PEREIRA On the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami yesterday, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan Sahab left his body...
Lord Rama will always be the epitome of Dharma and righteous living for any human society across the world, says NITA AGARWAL on the occasion of Ram Navami today From a young age, I have been an ardent devotee of Lord...
My fervent prayer is that we all awaken the true Ram within, to defeat Ravana forever ― and find liberation, says OSWALD PEREIRA Growing up in an environment where people of different religions lived harmoniously together and celebrated each other’s...
When natural or man-made disasters strike us, it’s easy to feel that God is indifferent to our pain or even punishing us. Allowing our negative reactions to be aroused doesn’t help the situation, but what does help is positivism, prayer...
OSWALD PEREIRA makes a fervent plea for the return of the family doctor of yore I vividly recall as a boy our family doctor P Hajirnis’ dispensary across the main road, on the outskirts of our village, Kolbad, in Thane....
At one time, the East was pure, although chaotic. But over the years, things have changed, says RENU GULATI as she traces the gradual decline in human values I have travelled across much of south east Asia and the middle East as...
India is blessed by many avatars, religions and festivals that reflect the unity of the human race. The Gods in heaven must be celebrating, but we must resist any attempt to stoke differences by vested interests, says OSWALD PEREIRA April...
DR SANJAY TEOTIA says, ‘Forgiveness is bliss. Therefore, always try to forgive’ The belief is that forgiveness makes a person great. Examples are often cited of Jesus Christ who forgave even those who crucified him. The Bible’s famous saying is often...
We can overcome fear by firmly rooting ourselves in God. When we realise that God is always with us to protect our lives, we will never be afraid, for God, indeed, is our free Divine Insurance Policy, says SWAMI CHIDANAND...
Last week, YoursPositively brought to you the practice of Pranic Healing. This week, REENA SINGH focusses on Reiki I have never regretted learning both Reiki and Pranic Healing. And although, I admit that I don’t practise either technique regularly, its...