Monday, March 3, 2025
post-Uplifting Realisations in a Dance ClassUplifting Realisations in a Dance Class

NAYASWAMI DEVI says that once you have tuned into your Guru’s consciousness, you are bound to do things in a flow and live life to the fullest in body, mind and spirit It was a sweltering summer night, and the...

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post-Cultivating God’s GardenCultivating God’s Garden

SHASHI DIP contemplates upon life and says that we must all understand God’s plans for us As we grow older, it is natural to become serious and contemplative. This is especially true of those with a philosophical bent of mind...

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post-Awaken Your Higher Consciousness with Spiritual YogaAwaken Your Higher Consciousness with Spiritual Yoga

When you stress on Asanas, Pranayama, Savasana, diet and nutrition, positive thinking and meditation, then you are bound to activate your higher consciousness, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA Higher consciousness is often used by spiritually minded people to describe important, but...

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post-Spellbound by Pandit Birju MaharajSpellbound by Pandit Birju Maharaj

SHAILAJA GANGULY pays an evocative tribute to the Kathak maestro, Pandit Birju Maharaj ji, as she describes his extraordinary performance where he donned the role of both Krishna and a seeker I could not believe my eyes. In one swift,...

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post-Man’s Search for Meaning: Book ReviewMan’s Search for Meaning: Book Review

ARJUN PEREIRA picks up the eternal bestseller, Viktor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ and finds great lessons to be learnt from the author’s experiences in concentration camps Very recently, I picked up the classic, philosophical book published in 1946, Man’s...

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post-A Silver Lining in the Covid CloudA Silver Lining in the Covid Cloud

MANJRI SHARMA muses on how the pandemic with its endless lockdowns forced families to stay grounded at home, but in the process made family mealtimes into super happy events No one would have ever thought in their wildest dreams that...

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post-Living In AnandaLiving In Ananda

MANAS DAS narrates a fascinating story that contains the secret of living in Ananda Inhabitants of this beautiful blue planet earth are blessed immensely with varieties of gifts, which help us to sustain our lives here. We get air and...

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post-The Intriguing Universe of Harry PotterThe Intriguing Universe of Harry Potter

ARJUN PEREIRA was an avid reader of the Harry Potter books when he was growing up. Now, as the Harry Potter movie team celebrates 20 years, he recalls the timeless appeal of Harry Potter, the protagonist, and the intricate universe...

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post-A Nine-Fold Path to Live in PeaceA Nine-Fold Path to Live in Peace

RAMESH RAJARAMAN suggests a simple but wise nine-fold path to live in peace Every person’s behaviour plays a key role in creating habits as well as energy fields. Over the years, the memory database build-up based on experiences, interpretations, knowledge...

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post-Paramhansa Yogananda: The Universal GuruParamhansa Yogananda: The Universal Guru

Paramhansa Yogananda’s disciples include people of all religions ― Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews and so on. His beautiful chants and music that goes with them are an intrinsic part of Yogananda’s teachings and show how universal and all-inclusive his...

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post-2022 Resolution: Walking is Better than Partying2022 Resolution: Walking is Better than Partying

ARJUN PEREIRA describes the benefits of an early morning walk, which apart from health advantages opens up a subtle window of communication with nature and people Instead of partying excessively on the 31st of December 2021, I decided to sleep...

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post-Maulana Wahiduddin Khan: Messiah of PositivityMaulana Wahiduddin Khan: Messiah of Positivity

Our homage to Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on his birthday Today, January 1, on Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s birthday, we would like to commemorate his memory by sharing his wise words on positivity, which is also the mission of our website. Maulana...

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post-A Doctor-Friendly ApproachA Doctor-Friendly Approach

DR PUSHPA CHATURVEDI makes a fervent plea for a doctor-friendly approach Seeing the visuals on media of angry and helpless resident doctors on strike in our national capital New Delhi for a highly justified demand was highly disturbing and distressing. Our resident doctors have been...

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post-My 2022 Resolution: Getting Off My MobileMy 2022 Resolution: Getting Off My Mobile

It’s that time of the year again when you should be thinking of a new year resolution. “Getting off my mobile is mine,” says REENA SINGH Every year at this time of the year, I make up a rudimentary list...

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post-Illuminate the World with Unity on ChristmasIlluminate the World with Unity on Christmas

On Christmas today, discover the true Christ, the messiah of love and unity ― in whose worlds, both here and above, all are one and equal, where  no one, including God, is a king ― and no one is a...

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post-Rise and Shine Like the SunRise and Shine Like the Sun

Follow the Sun and you will know Dharma in its completeness. Meditate on the Sun and it will eradicate Tamas or inertia and make you shine forth, says MOHANJI The Sun does Supreme Service. It nourishes the entire solar system,...

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post-The Sacredness of RitualsThe Sacredness of Rituals

Rituals are not mechanical and mere formalities, but have their place in life – adding sacredness and righteousness to life and living, says MANAS DAS Life has many wings, spreading its elegance, adorned with many colours and blessed with a...

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post-What is Real Yoga?What is Real Yoga?

SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI says the practice of “yoga” leads automatically to a life in which our choices are ones made in an awareness of unity and oneness  The Indian sage Patanjali gave us the eight limbs of yoga, or what...

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