The most important thing for us to do in our present state of living is to first practise becoming true human beings. The practice of our religion then, will bring us Ananda, bliss, that we all deserve as real children of God.

The most important thing for us to do in our present state of living is to first practise becoming true human beings. The practice of our religion then, will bring us Ananda, bliss, that we all deserve as real children of God.
On the occasion of the consecration of the Ram Mandir, may Lord Ram bless the people so that they bury their differences, unite, and join hands in celebrating His return to Ayodhya.
Freedom is the soul of democracy. We need to keep it safe and strong to ensure that our democracy never falters or flounders.
Let’s celebrate Christmas 2023 in a spirit of unity, harmony and brotherhood, minus the tags of region, religion and community.
Your state of mind decides whether you make your life a hell or a heaven.
We can find God in nature, and within ourselves, in the depths of our hearts and our souls.
This Diwali, let us pledge to end the politics of hate and ring in the joy of love and cooperation in our democracy.
A strong plea to counter the politics of divide and rule, so that we can live in harmony and brotherhood without the tag of majority and minority.
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Spirituality inspires man to get closer to God. Politics may take him away from God. Spirituality and politics must both refrain from encroaching upon each other’s fields, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN Spirituality should be everyone’s primary concern and politics, or...
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As our soul may have travelled various regions over time, it makes sense to conclude that we have within us a confluence of God manifestations and their Prophets, all owing allegiance to one Supreme Power, says OSWALD PEREIRA There’s a...
Legendary singer HARRY BELAFONTE passed away two days ago. He was among the pioneers among entertainers who are also equally well-known for their civil rights work and for their social activism, says REENA SINGH in this tribute Back in the...
What is the better path to follow in order to get closer to God, Karma Sanyas or Karma Yoga? When Arjun asks Bhagwan Krishna this question, the Lord dispelling any doubt says that both Karma Sanyas and Karma Yoga lead...
NAYASWAMIS JYOTISH and DEVI give us tips on how we can overcome our negative mind and negative thinking patterns and bring in positivity Let’s look at brain physiology and the neuroscience of the brain. Paramhansa Yoganandji said that every thought...
BATURAM NAYAK muses on love and companionship Relate yourself to make a relationship. Be a companion yourself to build a companionship.” I remember writing these two lines in my notebook way back in 1981, after reading a beautiful article captioned,...