Q: You call your new book, The Magic is Within, “a self-help, action-oriented guide aiming to help tap into your inner magic and make it work for you”. How would you describe “inner magic” and what potential can it unleash within you?

Nona Walia: We all need that extra zing in life. Inner Magic is that X-factor that gives us never-ending enthusiasm. It’s about thinking big when others think small. Magic is about perceiving things with fresh eyes. It’s discovering a new path in the darkness. Magic is gratitude. Inner Magic is spiritual glimmer that brings radiance. It involves turning inward, staying grounded, and embracing humility. Engaging in magic is about embracing openness. Inner magic is a life-saving elixir. We need to cultivate and nourish it from within. It is the secret ingredient that propels you forward in a world full of challenges. It has the potential to guide you toward greatness. Inner magic acts as a protective aura, harnessing your inner magnetism to draw positivity into your life. The more spiritual effort you invest in cultivating this magic, the more pronounced the positive transformation in your destiny becomes. The best part is that we all have that inner magic.

Would you say reading books can put you onto a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness?

Absolutely. I believe reading is the most powerful transformative experience. Personally, reading and writing both have helped me immensely. We are fortunate that we have spiritual books, personal growth books that help us with new insights in a rapidly changing world. The world is brimming with new ideas and reading allows you to ideate and learn about different ways of being and inner growth.

A spiritual guru once mentioned that reading contributes not more than 15 per cent to your healing and transformative processes. The rest is all about practise and practical methods.

I would say reading can influence you about 50 per cent; look at the self-help genre, spiritual and personal growth books — the world is hooked onto a self-transformation journey. Every person out there wants to learn and improve. You have 10-year-olds and 80-year-olds, both trying to read books that help them transform. Reading allows one to gain new perspectives. Books can help build empathy and expose one to new concepts and ways of thinking that one may never experience otherwise. The rest is your own healing. That’s where the hard work lies. You have to constantly evolve, heal and grow. That’s what brings in the spiritual glimmer and glow.

Nona Walia

How has your journey been? You started off as a journalist writing on relationships, lifestyle and positivity. Now you are talking about transformative experiences to bring magic into your life. What would you say brought about magic in your life?

The journey so far has been incredible. I’m enjoying every bit of the game. You are one of the few people who saw how I started, from writing and making pages for Saturday Times – and here I am writing books — it’s been a period of growth. The hiccups and downturns, have been all worth it. It’s a call to constantly shake-it-up. There’s always a better way. Every decade brings its own excitement. It’s all magic. I see every day of my life as magic. I have a chart and I make a list every hour about the micro magical things I experience — it can be a cup of coffee or an exciting conversation. At the month, I have a series of magical things. I wrote this book mostly from the waiting room at my mother’s doctor’s clinic while she was doing her physiotherapy sessions; she was in incredible pain. Every day I told her, see magic around. It was life-altering for both of us. We just counted every blessing.

In your book on Inner Magic, you suggest that accomplished leaders in business operate from their heart and soul. Who are such leaders in India?

Today there’s a rising need for empathetic leadership in the country. At the core, is the wellbeing of others. Why don’t we see CEOs getting awards for empathy rather than for profits? Let’s celebrate empathy. Ratan Tata is an iconic empathetic leader, then there’s Shiv Nadar, Sanjiv Bajaj…. The younger startup founders come with new vision. A change is happening. But it’s too small as yet….

What are your other books about? And which is next?

My first book, Art of Mental Toughness was about mastering mental toughness to thrive, not just survive when the tide is against you. My second book, Own Your Energy was to help everyone overcome the energy crisis overtaking the world. The book helped readers live more energetically. It gives powerful strategy for personal energy hygiene to a world full of fatigue. My next? Well that’s a surprise!!!

(The Magic Is Within will hit the stands in March 2024)

Nona Walia is a successful journalist and writer, who is also a motivational expert, passionate about helping people to live their best life. She likes to describe herself both as a Wellness Warrior and Wellness Blogger, who has done a certified online course on the ‘Science of Well-Being’ from Yale University. Nona Walia runs her own Wellness Channel on Youtube. She has worked with the Times of India for 24 years as Senior Assistant Editor and is also an author for Thrive GlobalShe is the author of The Art of Mental Toughness and Own Your Energy. The Magic is Within is her third self-help book.   

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