SONALI MONGIA AMLA says she was lucky enough to gain an understanding of the soul’s journey some years ago and ever since gained perspective and has lived her life without complaining and questioning. Now, she helps others to do the...

SONALI MONGIA AMLA says she was lucky enough to gain an understanding of the soul’s journey some years ago and ever since gained perspective and has lived her life without complaining and questioning. Now, she helps others to do the...
Death is a traumatic and certain event of life and with the Covid-19 pandemic, it has brought it closer home to everyone. ANIL K RAJVANSHI attempts to explain the phenomenon of death in this article, condensed from a larger essay...
Let’s try to be good human beings, without discriminating against each other on the basis of caste and religion, and pray together to that one God, says DR PUSHPA CHATURVEDI What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by...
Doctors are our heroes; they are our crusaders of good health and our warriors against diseases, says DR PUSHPA CHATURVEDI on the occasion of National Doctors’ Day today Doctors’ Day is celebrated on different days in different countries. India celebrates National...
PRIYANKA ROY, a dance instructor talks about what makes her 88-year-old Dadu, DR P P Chakraborty, a retired scientist from the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre tick – his brand of Hasya Yoga and positive attitude that he says is what...
SEEMA SAXENA reveals secrets to defuse time bomb-like situations in our lives Isn’t this an unsuitable subject for an article on a website that promotes positivity? Not at all. Are you not aware of the clock always ticking and an awaited...
DR SANJAY TEOTIA tries to understand what the soul is and its struggle to obtain moksha The soul is an internal energy that is invisible and is a part of God. The soul migrates from one plane to another, sometimes...
Truth, beauty, peace, joy and justice become our friends, as we feel, think, and live a simple life, in harmony with our intrinsic nature and the universe’s natural order, says BATURAM NAYAK Human ingenuity springs up great wonders which finds...
An ode to Rain comes alive in a poet’s imagination. A short poem by SHAILAJA GANGULY Rain is… a saucy breeze flirting with my hair Rain is… the chirp of crickets tattooing the air Rain is… a heady sniff of...
KISHOR KULKARNI explains the meaning of true love Love is not a deliberate action. It is a natural emotion arising from within. It is like a natural flow, or, an overflow that can no longer be contained inside. It is...
The season is just right to begin planting some useful herbs and vegetables for your home kitchen, says REENA SINGH As monsoon begins to hit India, most places especially in the north of India have already experienced a couple of showers...
A person who learns to find the light within will always shine like the sun and the darkness of the cave will be a stranger, says MAMTA SEHGAL, suggesting that we always see the bright side in our life Light...
On the occasion of International Yoga Day today, let us all give up our quest for worldly freedom and instead seek freedom of the soul within, says OSWALD PEREIRA All my life I have chased a dream. It is not...
In a chat with KAITY CAMA, a well-known energy healer, REENA SINGH learnt about how to appreciate music and how different forms of music can help the mind heal Can music be a tool to find peace? I asked this...
Let us all be like flowers, and spread the fragrance of forgiveness, love, respect, trust, and affection, says DR PUSHPA CHATURVEDI The human soul is to God as a flower is to the sun; it opens at its approach; it shuts...
The legendary football hero was arguably one of the world’s best, says ARJUN PEREIRA, who analyses how he fared off the field Everyone, young, middle-aged or old has heard of football’s legendary star, Diego Maradona. He was an international sports...
Wisdom is in not getting stuck on the desire for a particular outcome of our actions, says KISHOR KULKARNI, who adds that there is not much point in agonising over why something happened the way it did or why something...
Life is full of dilemmas. How we deal with them is what decides our test scores in life, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN We are judged not only by how well or how badly we answer our test papers at school...