Friday, March 7, 2025


Oswald Pereira, a veteran journalist with more than 30 years’ experience is the author of the popular novels, The Newsroom Mafia, Chaddi Buddies, Revenge of the Naked Princess, The Krishna-Christ Connexion, Army Girl Steals Civilian’s Heart and Golmaal in Goa, as well as two non-fiction books, Crime Patrol:The Most Thrilling Stories and How to Create Miracles in Our Daily Life. Oswald is a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, and practises Kriya Yoga.

post-Why Fruits and Vegetables are Natural and HealthyWhy Fruits and Vegetables are Natural and Healthy

According to Jnanavatar Swami Sri Yukteswar  Giri, consumption of fruits and vegetables is natural and healthy for man, against meat and fish, which goes against his senses of smell, sound and sight. OSWALD PEREIRA writes about the Jnanavatar’s views on...

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post-Holi: A Festival of LoveHoli: A Festival of Love

Holi is a festival of love, colours and spring ― all rolled into one. But, I believe the most important aspect of Holi is love, because only when there is love in our hearts and around, can we truly appreciate...

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post-Nature: The Pathway to God-RealizationNature: The Pathway to God-Realization

Nature opens the great treasure of God-realization, believed MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN, and advised seekers to look at the sun, trees, rivers, birds and other beautiful bounties of creation to find God From early in life, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan used to...

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post-The Healing Power of ForgivenessThe Healing Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness has great power. It is a glorious and selfless act that could radically transform the lives of both the forgiver and the forgiven ― for the better, says OSWALD PEREIRA All faiths worldwide recommend it. There’s universal agreement among...

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post-Let’s Unite to End DiscordLet’s Unite to End Discord

Now is the time for all good men and women of India to unite and put an end to all the artificial discord being fanned by vested interests, says OSWALD PEREIRA On September 21, 2020, our family took a big...

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post-Learn from People of All FaithsLearn from People of All Faiths

MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN was a great proponent of Interfaith dialogue and peaceful coexistence and till his last days, urged his followers to learn from people of all faiths  Maulana ji who participated in every interfaith programme, he was invited to,...

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post-Paramhansa Yogananda: The Universal GuruParamhansa Yogananda: The Universal Guru

Paramhansa Yogananda’s disciples include people of all religions ― Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews and so on. His beautiful chants and music that goes with them are an intrinsic part of Yogananda’s teachings and show how universal and all-inclusive his...

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post-Maulana Wahiduddin Khan: Messiah of PositivityMaulana Wahiduddin Khan: Messiah of Positivity

Our homage to Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on his birthday Today, January 1, on Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s birthday, we would like to commemorate his memory by sharing his wise words on positivity, which is also the mission of our website. Maulana...

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post-Illuminate the World with Unity on ChristmasIlluminate the World with Unity on Christmas

On Christmas today, discover the true Christ, the messiah of love and unity ― in whose worlds, both here and above, all are one and equal, where  no one, including God, is a king ― and no one is a...

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post-The Bhagavad Gita and The Two IndiasThe Bhagavad Gita and The Two Indias

The Bhagavad Gita equips us with  wisdom and power to look into the eyes of the Two Indias and address the dualities that are part of the ground reality, says OSWALD PEREIRA This morning, I saw the woman who cleans...

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post-The Best Karma is LoveThe Best Karma is Love

The best Karma is love and its more sublime manifestation — unconditional love, says OSWALD PEREIRA Karma is among the most used, yet misused and misunderstood concepts today. Yes, it is said that as you sow, so shall you reap....

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post-Ramayana In Schools: Gospel of Unity and SecularismRamayana In Schools: Gospel of Unity and Secularism

Apart from being Lord, Ram was a righteous, honourable, supreme and perfect human, who was the harbinger of a secular state. If this is the message that students can imbibe from the Ramayana, the great epic might become the gospel...

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post-Loving Ram Without Hating RavanaLoving Ram Without Hating Ravana

Our true victory lies in loving Ram without hating Ravana, for if we despise him we carry with us all the baggage of his negative traits, says OSWALD PEREIRA on the occasion of Dussehra today To most of us, Dussehra,...

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post-Aryan Khan: Innocent Until Proven GuiltyAryan Khan: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

The golden principle of jurisprudence ― innocent until proven guilty ― should be applied to Aryan Khan; this principle applies to both the rich and the poor, says OSWALD PEREIRA Angulimala had killed 999 people and retained their little fingers...

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post-Communal Harmony: Majority and Minorities, Equally ResponsibleCommunal Harmony: Majority and Minorities, Equally Responsible

The majority and minority communities, by example, should lead each other in promoting peace and communal harmony, says OSWALD PEREIRA Who is responsible for maintaining religious and communal harmony ― the majority community or the minority community? Who should take...

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post-All Religions and Gods are EqualAll Religions and Gods are Equal

On Janmasthami today, let us make a pledge to develop the qualities of Krishna like love for all, childlike innocence, and playfulness; for, by loving all, like innocent children, we will be able to regard all religions and their Gods...

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post-It Makes Good Sense to Love Your NeighbourIt Makes Good Sense to Love Your Neighbour

OSWALD PEREIRA analyses the practical aspects of loving your neighbour Why should I love my neighbour like I love myself?  The answer is simple: Because it’s the most sensible thing to do. Loving your neighbour is the first and best...

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post-Living In Religious & Communal HarmonyLiving In Religious & Communal Harmony

Whether we are Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Sikh or none of these ― we are all one; those who try to divide us should be shown the door, says OSWALD PEREIRA I have a proud legacy. It’s not a legacy of...

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