I woke up in a sweat at 1.30 am. I realised I was hysterically kicking in my sleep, as if freeing myself from the vice-like grip on my feet of three to four people. I got up startled and was...

I woke up in a sweat at 1.30 am. I realised I was hysterically kicking in my sleep, as if freeing myself from the vice-like grip on my feet of three to four people. I got up startled and was...
Sometimes a change of location is needed in life ― to move on There are intense developments and changes happening all around us in the world, and in our own hearts and minds, too, at the moment. This is a...
You must have heard of the ‘leap of faith’. I want to tell you how I took mine. In our material world nothing happens without a cause. It is not easy for us to take a leap of faith. And generally...
There are many examples to prove that God exists. The only way to realise His existence is by submitting to Him. A sincere absolute surrender would bring Him to you. Once we submit to the Supreme Lord, He will impart...
YoursPositively early last morning lost to cancer a good author, entrepreneur and dear friend. Radhika Sachdev, 53, who had fought a winning battle against the terrible scourge for several years, even surviving a liver transplant three years ago, entered the...
Faith in our Self, in our innate talents and abilities which go beyond the human intellect and logic, is that force in us which makes us totally invincible, undeterred by obstacles Faith is a word that has different connotations for...
Do we only draw our inspiration from God, our Gurus, Heroes and Celebrities? Can a teenager studying in school be an inspiration? The answer is yes, if we look at the great example of a teenage schoolgirl Apoorvi Bharatram. When...
An inspiring account of the writer’s 94-year-old father who reinvented himself at the age of 75, proving to everyone around him that truly, age is just a number My 94-year-old father Om Parkash Popli is our family’s Corona Warrior. He...
We all are on our own personal right paths. It is the same with religion. For each one, the religion or faith that he follows, is the right one, says MOHANJI The right path is the path that you are...
Though my name is Oswald Pereira, I am often called Mr Singh. That’s because my wife, a Sikh, has retained her maiden surname (Singh) and people who know her and don’t know me, assume that the husband of Mrs Singh would...
I have been an ardent devotee of Lord Hanuman since childhood. I recite the Hanuman Chalisa everyday at least once, and sometimes, many times over. However, only recently I learnt about the many attributes of Lord Hanuman. I attend a weekly...
The remarkable story of the tiny community of Mawphlang in India’s northeastern state of Meghalaya illustrates how indigenous people are protecting their watersheds and biodiversity by revitalising their traditional institutions and culture. Mawphlang’s tribal community is now the country’s first...
In order to maintain inner peace, calm and stability regardless of external circumstances, we need a daily multivitamin of meditation and introspection. Meditation is the best medication for all agitations. People have so many troubles today, mainly related to the...
Sanatan Dharma is dharma not only for India, but for all living entities, who are in innumerable universes, says SRILA BHAKTI BALLABH TIRTHA GOSWAMI MAHARAJ There is lack of knowledge among some people about the real meaning of Sanatan Dharma. Some consider Sanatan Dharma as the religion...
Differences are not evil, but are a blessing as they create challenges that lead to development and progress in the world. The simplest and most natural formula is to follow one religion, and respect all, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN I...
The most important aspect of prayer is not to count the favours bestowed on us, but simply learning to trust that God really is listening, and to speak to Him with complete openness and honesty Considering the vastness of the...
These days I read a lot about gentle parenting. I wonder if something was wrong with the way our parents brought us up? Did we really grow up into confused and weak individuals, because our parents were more strict and...
What is dharma? Dharma means that which holds the individual, family, society, country, the whole world, together. Where there is dharma, there can be no conflict. For dharma enables a way of life that ensures peace and harmony, truth and...