Monday, March 3, 2025
post-We Are All God’s MiraclesWe Are All God’s Miracles

It is truly beautiful to sit quietly in silence amidst natural surroundings, in silent contemplation, allowing our minds to unfold and grasp the majesty of movement from the unmanifested into the manifested Yes, we are indeed the most miraculous creation...

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post-Krishna: Self-Existing Bliss Always in Our MidstKrishna: Self-Existing Bliss Always in Our Midst

Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest myself on earth – Bhagavad Gita 4.7 It is an interesting question to ask who Sri Krishna is and what constitutes...

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post-Your Marriage Should be Based on DharmaYour Marriage Should be Based on Dharma

We all think about love and use the word regularly. But what does the word actually mean? We say ‘falling in love’, but perhaps we must amend that to ‘rising in love’. Love to me is a state of freedom...

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post-Will Power: The Secret to Health and HappinessWill Power: The Secret to Health and Happiness

More than 15 years ago, when I was Group Editor of a publishing house that brought out four defence publications, a retired Lieutenant General, who worked there told me a strange story. He said that he had been a staunch...

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post-Friends ForeverFriends Forever

The poet, studied at a girls’ convent school in Agra. After finishing school, the batch went on to graduate and then went their separate ways, at a time long before mobile phones and the internet. As a result, most of...

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post-Hinduism: An Inclusive, All-Pervasive, Eternal Way of LifeHinduism: An Inclusive, All-Pervasive, Eternal Way of Life

If one were to ask several Hindus, “What is the most fundamental tenet of Hinduism?” or “How is God understood in Hinduism?” one would get a wide range of equally viable, equally legitimate answers. In fact, two of the most...

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post-Changing Times: Let’s Look at the Brighter SideChanging Times: Let’s Look at the Brighter Side

We are living in very interesting times. Developments in science and technology have made our lives interesting and full of choices. We now earn more money than earlier times. As medical science has provided so many cures, people now live...

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post-Tolerance: It’s What Makes Life a Happy GameTolerance: It’s What Makes Life a Happy Game

Tolerance is bouncing back even when you are thrown against a very hard wall. A square can’t bounce because it is made of straight lines, but a ball can because it is round and usually light. Whatever its size, it...

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post-The Temple, the Church, the Masjid are All Within UsThe Temple, the Church, the Masjid are All Within Us

Our Christian priests told us, ‘The Kingdom of God is Within you’. They also said, ‘The only way to Heaven is through Christ.’ As a youngster, I quite liked the first statement, a quote from the Bible, because it gave...

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post-Online Social Rituals in Covid TimesOnline Social Rituals in Covid Times

Social rituals help us to share both our joys and sorrows and build bonds of togetherness. In these Covid times, online rituals have taken their place, which don’t seem to be the real thing.  Till we go back to the...

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post-Your Child is a Gift from GodYour Child is a Gift from God

I feel like it was only yesterday when I first got the news of my motherhood. It’s hard to explain that while you can’t perceive anything inside you then, it will soon be verified and soon enough, you will start...

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post-A Kaleidoscope of Cheer and HopeA Kaleidoscope of Cheer and Hope

There is a worrying rise in Covid-19 cases all over the country and some cities are worst affected, but to keep ourselves mentally strong, we must have faith and conviction that recovery is possible. The Gond artwork represents that the...

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post-Discover the Divinity Within YouDiscover the Divinity Within You

I woke up in a sweat at 1.30 am. I realised I was hysterically kicking in my sleep, as if freeing myself from the vice-like grip on my feet of three to four people. I  got up startled and was...

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post-Nirvana in a Cup of TeaNirvana in a Cup of Tea

Nothing can be healthier and more stimulating than a steaming cup of hot tea, discovers the writer Tea is much like poetry. And, I think, among all poetic forms, it is the humble 17-syllabled haiku, a type of short form...

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post-Spread the Divine LightSpread the Divine Light

As humans live their life on earth, they go through plenty of sufferings such as physical, mental and emotional traumas. Physical trauma can be healed with the help of medicines, surgery and alternative therapies, while mental trauma can be cured...

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post-Relocate to ChangeRelocate to Change

Sometimes a change of location is needed in life ― to move on There are intense developments and changes happening all around us in the world, and in our own hearts and minds, too, at the moment. This is a...

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post-A Doctor’s Tips to Fight Covid-19 at HomeA Doctor’s Tips to Fight Covid-19 at Home

How do we ascertain that someone in the family has Covid-19? What is to be done after a person tests Covid positive? Which room in the home should a Covid-19 patient stay in and what food and medication should be...

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post-My Leap of FaithMy Leap of Faith

You must have heard of the ‘leap of faith’. I want to tell you how I took mine. In our material world nothing happens without a cause. It is not easy for us to take a leap of faith. And generally...

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