Sunday, March 2, 2025

Category: Talking Tree

post-Hate is the Human Emotion Dividing the People of Israel and GazaHate is the Human Emotion Dividing the People of Israel and Gaza

Hapless civilians, children and animals have unwittingly become innocent victims of the Israeli-Hamas conflict and the wave of hatred that filled the hearts of people against an entire community.

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post-Jailed Iranian Activist Narges Mohammadi, a Human Rights TorchbearerJailed Iranian Activist Narges Mohammadi, a Human Rights Torchbearer

Jailed Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi, winner of the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize, shows the people of 'democratic' countries the way to fight for human rights.

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post-Do You Feel Guilty About Having Fun?Do You Feel Guilty About Having Fun?

Australian spiritual guru, SHAKTI DURGA says one should never feel guilty for taking time off, playing or doing things just for fun One of the features of our modern world is the over-emphasis upon work, which rewards people for being...

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post-Making Treasures Out of TrashMaking Treasures Out of Trash

SEEMA MUNIZ profiles SATYAJIT who turned his commitment for cleaning beaches into a mission of upcycling multilayer plastic From being a tax officer with the Commonwealth of Australia to an ocean/beach comber to a pioneer artisan in upcycling of multilayer plastic:...

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post-Oppenheimer’s Obsession with the Bhagavad GitaOppenheimer’s Obsession with the Bhagavad Gita

Oppenheimer, the new biopic on Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the Atom Bomb was released in cinema theatres all over the world on July 21. Within a few days, the film raked up a controversy in India as Oppenheimer, played...

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post-Restore Love, Peace and Amity in ManipurRestore Love, Peace and Amity in Manipur

Without depending on the silent powers-that-be, we as citizens of this great nation, should work together to restore love, peace and amity between the communities in Manipur and revive the vibrancy of our democracy, says OSWALD PEREIRA Sanatan Dharma, as...

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post-Lessons in Democracy from Rama and KrishnaLessons in Democracy from Rama and Krishna

There are many lessons on democracy that we and our political leaders can learn from two of the greatest avatars, Rama and Krishna, who descended on India and blessed her and her people, says OSWALD PEREIRA When I read yesterday...

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post-Who is Spiritually Aware?Who is Spiritually Aware?

DR SANJAY TEOTIA explains what the concept of spirituality means to different people Spiritual awareness eventually unveils an extraordinary state of mind that goes far beyond the self with its limited superficial understanding. To reach spiritual awareness, we must learn...

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post-Acknowledge Life and Move OnAcknowledge Life and Move On

Your life events are there to propel you forward. Don’t get overwhelmed by them, but simply acknowledge them, says DR PARUL GUPTA After a long period of change both in my professional and personal life, I realised that I was...

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post-Consciousness: The Only Solution for Our Well-beingConsciousness: The Only Solution for Our Well-being

DR SANJAY TEOTIA explains what consciousness is and how it applies to our daily life Consciousness is our own unique way of processing information, rather than merely imbibing it in a way that won’t be meaningful or individuated for us....

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post-<strong>Does a Place in the Forbes Rich List Really Matter?</strong>Does a Place in the Forbes Rich List Really Matter?

Wealth is notional. For most of us who sleep comfortably at night, it is enough to have a roof over our heads, a comfortable bed to sleep on, and money for food and clothing, philosophises REENA SINGH My son often...

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post-Is the Joshimath Disaster a Warning from the Gods?Is the Joshimath Disaster a Warning from the Gods?

Joshimath’s cracks in 850 homes and establishments has given rise to the question: are the Gods angry with man’s disregard of our valuable natural resources, asks REENA SINGH If you have hit the fifties or sixties decade in your life,...

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post-New Friends Alexa and Siri Take Over ParentingNew Friends Alexa and Siri Take Over Parenting

SEEMA MUNIZ wonders if we should allow ourselves to be ruled by Artificial Intelligence Our family time often consists of the three of us sitting in the living room in the thrall of cyber silence, bent over our smartphones. One...

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post-<strong>Akhtar Bhai Phoolwale</strong>Akhtar Bhai Phoolwale

While the communal warp and weft of several nations lies frayed and tattered, SEEMA MUNIZ outlines the daily pleasant exchanges she shares with a Muslim from her cosmopolitan neighbourhood It wasn’t an exchange really, but a one-way ferry, at least at...

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post-How To Live In Harmony With OthersHow To Live In Harmony With Others

Considering that all of us, each in his, her own way are parts of our own one, greater Being, SWAMI KRIYANANDA suggests 18 simple ways to live in harmony with each other The following suggestions will help you to recognize...

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post-The Legend Lives OnThe Legend Lives On

SHAILAJA GANGULY remembers the legendary singer MANNA DEY on his Punyatithi and recalls the very personal interaction she had with the warm-hearted singer on a couple of occasions If any psychic had told me that I will be Mrs. Manna...

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post-Learning To Sit StillLearning To Sit Still

SEEMA MUNIZ writes how a virus in her phone snatched away her gmail account. At first, she felt devastated, as if she had lost a part of her soul Teach us to care and not to care. Teach us to...

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post-Cry, My Beloved CountryCry, My Beloved Country

REENA SINGH laments that the pleasant memories of an India where people of all faiths lived happily together is fading away; instead, the ambience is one of discord There is ‘never a dull moment’ in our country today. I would...

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