Saturday, July 27, 2024

Category: Practical Spirituality

post-How to Banish Tension and FearHow to Banish Tension and Fear

It’s a great mistake to try to reduce stress and tension by avoiding challenges and difficulties. There are some people who never do anything, and they’re always relaxed. Such lives may be pleasant, but they don’t advance you spiritually. You...

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post-Teaching Children the Joy of GivingTeaching Children the Joy of Giving

When you receive a gift, you feel happy. But you are happy only for a while. Soon you look for more gifts and more sources of happiness. Thus, the happiness that comes from receiving is temporary―because it is the happiness...

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post-The Joy of ChantingThe Joy of Chanting

Chanting aids in uplifting and expanding our consciousness, allowing us to be receptive to the flow of Divine love, joy, peace, wisdom and blessings. Thus, our life becomes a song itself and we become the instrument through which God plays...

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post-Be Your Own Conscience KeeperBe Your Own Conscience Keeper

The writer talks about working on your will power to strengthen your conscience Leo Tolstoy back in 1887 held that the only power capable of resisting the evil associated with materialism and the drive for social power of religious institutions,...

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post-The Power of a Simple Thank YouThe Power of a Simple Thank You

As a kid, I remember I had a small diary with a blue cover. I often wrote in that diary about things that I read or some event that made an impact on the way of my thinking. One such statement...

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post-Let the Divine heal your anguishLet the Divine heal your anguish

A spiritual perspective is capable of providing adequate support, thoughtful guidance and filling the grief-stricken people with new hope. When the bereaved persons probe their assumptions around life and death, falsehood and truth, and loneliness, there is a widening of...

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post-Let’s Save Our WorldLet’s Save Our World

We can either be butchers and cut up Earth’s resources mercilessly or protect it from further damage, so that it can heal itself There once lived a venerable sage at the ghats of the river Ganga. When he preached, crowds...

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post-The Day I Won the RaceThe Day I Won the Race

The author, an Ayurveda teacher pursued spirituality for several years, only to discover that real spirituality lay elsewhere The day you stop racing is the day you win the race – Bob Marley Sometimes, I feel suffocated by ‘spiritual’ and...

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post-Identify Natural Laws To Balance Your LifeIdentify Natural Laws To Balance Your Life

What use are Natural Laws to us? If everything is meant to be as is, then we are mere spectators and we don’t have to do anything but just live our own life. If our destiny is already written, are...

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