Holi is a time to rekindle human relationships at the personal, family and social level. It is also time for people of all faiths to usher in unity and harmony of religions.

Holi is a time to rekindle human relationships at the personal, family and social level. It is also time for people of all faiths to usher in unity and harmony of religions.
For a long time, teachers of religion have condemned humans as sinners. Taking a cue from our scriptures, isn’t it time we say goodbye to sin and discover the divinity within all of us.
It's difficult to pinpoint any one-reason for the longevity of this multifaceted, multitalented woman of substance!
The timeless teachings of Guru Nanak that God is One, belongs to everyone and loves all his creations equally promotes unity and oneness
While we celebrate Diwali this year, let’s make out a special prayer to all our Gods to include that very important ingredient—religious harmony—in our cocktail of celebrations.
“There is so much inspiration, deep insight, and devotion to Paramhansa Yogananda,” in Beyond Autobiography of a Yogi, says NAYASWAMI DEVI, Spiritual Director, Ananda Sangha, Worldwide, adding the “clarity in writing makes this a great book.”
The importance of being Indian, both nationally and internationally.
Christopher Nolan's Interstellar may be a sci-fi film, but its message is of love—and that alone can save us.
The world's biggest success stories aren't about luck, but plain, consistent hard work.
A divine relationship lasts not only in this, one lifetime, but scores of lifetimes, for all eternity. Romancing God should be everyone’s dream to reach eternal bliss.
Nature's only goal is survival; and it accomplishes it through the eternal cycle of transformation. That's how and why we happen(ed).
Democracy is the winner in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Only by being eternally vigilant can we ensure that the victory of Indian democracy doesn’t ever turn into defeat.
Swami Vivekananda’s universal gospel of Vedanta as love, may be the panacea for religious, communal and regional conflicts in India and the world over.
For every conflict, every hurt, there are at least 100 acts of kindness in the world. When we seek the beautiful in people, it soon manifests itself ― and this world becomes a miraculous, glorious experience for us.
There is a reason why they say that since God couldn't be everywhere, He made Moms!
Do the rich of India work for the welfare of the poor, seeing God in them, like Swami Vivekananda did? The harsh reality is that most of the rich don’t care about the poor. But there are many silent givers, inspired by the great sage.
Eid is celebrated to spread joy among all, so that we can make this world a better place by fostering love and brotherhood, irrespective of caste or creed.
We, humans, have limitless possibilities, even to the point of being God-like, provided we are humble, open and receptive.