Monday, March 3, 2025
post-The World is One Big Beautiful FamilyThe World is One Big Beautiful Family

God created the world and mankind. There is but one creator and one human species. So doesn’t it follow that we are all part of one big universal world family?  If we firmly believe in one God of all creation and...

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post-The Laughing Dalai LamaThe Laughing Dalai Lama

There is a myth surrounding the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhists, who has been living in exile in India for more than 60 years. They say that his aura extends to more than three km. I...

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post-The Feast After The FastingThe Feast After The Fasting

Ramzan is over and so are the days of strict fasting. India’s celebrity weight-loss surgeon, Dr Muffazal Lakdawala gives you tips on how to confront food and to restrain yourself from bingeing after an extended fast. Read an extract about...

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post-Living Upright In Your SpineLiving Upright In Your Spine

We can achieve much in our life, if we learn to keep an upright spine, in all our waking hours, while sitting, standing or walking. With an upright spine, energy flows upwards from the base or root (muladhara) chakra towards...

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post-CHANGEMAKER: Young Indian Anoyara Khatun Saves Children From Trafficking Across The GlobeCHANGEMAKER: Young Indian Anoyara Khatun Saves Children From Trafficking Across The Globe

On Friday, September 25, 2015 an Indian teenager Anoyara Khatun joined hands with Melinda and Bill Gates to help women and children around the world. She sat beside Bill and Melinda Gates and called for an end to child trafficking....

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post-Seven Steps to a New YouSeven Steps to a New You

First―Rise Early: Enough has been said about the virtues of waking up early. It is time you put it into action. The trick is to have a reasonably early dinner the night before and to hit the bed by 11...

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post-How to Create Miracles in Our Daily LifeHow to Create Miracles in Our Daily Life

All ideas, all thoughts, have their vibrations at their unique frequencies. A thought of anger has its own frequency, the properties of which are destructive for the individual, and a thought of peace or calm has its own beautiful frequency...

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post-HEARTWARMER: Son To A Thousand ParentsHEARTWARMER: Son To A Thousand Parents

It’s ironic that India that is known for legendary figures like Shravan Kumar in the epic, Ramayana, also has people who abandon their parents on the streets or who themselves come and drop off their old parents at shelters just so...

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post-Grow Your own Veggies to Stay HealthyGrow Your own Veggies to Stay Healthy

It’s been two years since I have been trying to grow all manners of greens on my terrace and in the limited green patches in my garden and the land just outside my house. While, I have been pretty successful...

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post-The Yogi Inspired The EntrepreneurThe Yogi Inspired The Entrepreneur

There is, perhaps, no book that has inspired so many famous people as Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda. The best known among them is Steve Jobs, who was a business magnate and Chairman, CEO and co-founder of Apple Inc. Autobiography...

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post-How I Fell In and Out With GodHow I Fell In and Out With God

When we were children, we were told that God is present everywhere. So, as a kid I saw God’s hand in nature and in everything small and beautiful. My favourite God-creation was a butterfly. I used to creep up towards...

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post-CHANGE MAKER:Grace Nshimiyumukiza  is changing the life of refugeesCHANGE MAKER:Grace Nshimiyumukiza is changing the life of refugees

Grace Nshimiyumukiza, who grew up in a refugee camp with 150,000 inhabitants in Kakuma Kenya, could have lived her life in self-pity bemoaning her fate, but she chose not to do so. Instead, she rose above her so-called misfortune and...

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post-Children with Special Needs Shine in Splendid WaysChildren with Special Needs Shine in Splendid Ways

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting times of one’s life and nothing remains the samHe after the little one arrives. Brimming with selfless love and a sense of deep responsibility, parents leave no stone unturned in doing...

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post-Revive Your Core Self and Find HappinessRevive Your Core Self and Find Happiness

Sandhya (name changed) told me that she felt emptiness in her life.  She felt her life was meaningless.  She was plagued by self-doubt and found herself inadvertently trapped in a vortex of self-criticism. Over a period of time, she got...

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post-Experience joy by transcending gender and sexual identitiesExperience joy by transcending gender and sexual identities

The heteronormative assumptions of our contemporary society idolise a binary gender identity and a heterosexual orientation often aligned with the person’s biological sex. These assumptions make it clear that if you are biologically a female, you must identify and behave...

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post-HEARTWARMER: She looks beyond her own problems to help the poorHEARTWARMER: She looks beyond her own problems to help the poor

She is not a rich farmer and earns a modest Rs three lakhs per year from her vegetable produce on a seven-acre plot of land. But she has a heart of gold. She is Chhayarani Sahu, a 57-year-old farmer living...

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post-There Is No Hell!There Is No Hell!

I believe there is no hell. If God is in heaven and He created the earth, so good and beautiful, then where did hell spring from? God created man and woman in His own image, to live, love and cherish...

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post-Music and DivinityMusic and Divinity

Singing and music take you to higher states of awareness. The creativity that you express in your singing and music is a manifestation of divine energy, which inspires you to express words and feelings in extraordinary ways. The divine communicates...

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