Australian spiritual guru, SHAKTI DURGA says one should never feel guilty for taking time off, playing or doing things just for fun One of the features of our modern world is the over-emphasis upon work, which rewards people for being...

Australian spiritual guru, SHAKTI DURGA says one should never feel guilty for taking time off, playing or doing things just for fun One of the features of our modern world is the over-emphasis upon work, which rewards people for being...
SHAKTI DURGA gives you practical tips on cleansing your negative energy and a simple meditation to get you back on track You usually only learn about the results of your daily low points when it begins to show up in...
Australian guru SHAKTI DURGA outlines the best route to fulfilment and abundance Everyone is looking to cultivate wealth, success and abundance in life. The three ways that you can create these are listed below: The Slog: This is the time-tested...
SHAKTI DURGA says that we are capable of interacting with nature just by paying attention to it. And as we pay attention to nature, we tend to learn about the sacred way of grace… The ancient sages, who were our great...
SHAKTI DURGA says that scientific studies have proven that when you think positively, you impact yourself in the same manner Science is starting to discover that how we think has a dramatic effect on our health and wellbeing. In other words,...
Make the Soul Self your friend, your companion, your beloved and you will sail through the most difficult times, physically, emotionally, and mentally, says SHAKTI DURGA The divine intended that Earth be a Garden of Eden. The Earth was created...
As the hot summer gives way to a cooler season all over the country, we too can opt for something new to rejuvenate ourselves, says SHAKTI DURGA I hope that you are enjoying the beautiful weather at this time of...
Simple things like bathing and deep breathing can really help you to manage your energy fields and understand what it means to be a healthy human being, says SHAKTI DURGA Everything we do or think creates an impression in energy....
Each one of us thinks at least 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day! And often, we repeat the same thoughts day after day You will agree that’s a lot of thoughts. And for most people, over 90 per cent of...
If you hear a negative voice within you, challenge it; don’t let it dominate you When people ask you how you are today, you might give a standard reply. But are you conscious of how you are, or are you...
Sometimes when we might be feeling tired, it’s not rest we need. What we actually need is to give ourselves small windows of rejuvenation through which we live and play wholeheartedly! Do you find yourself feeling tired a lot of...
The writer, an Australian spiritual guru, prays that love pierces the hearts of racists so that they end hatred and begin a journey of higher realisation I watch the horrific images on TV about what is going on in America...
Covid captivity has brought some definite advantages, like no commute, thus extra time for life. You can wear your comfy trousers and slippers. The disadvantage for some work addicts, though, is that work never goes away. Their work hours stretch,...