The key to women empowerment is self-transformation with women helping themselves rather than depending on external agencies or the government for support.

The key to women empowerment is self-transformation with women helping themselves rather than depending on external agencies or the government for support.
The BRAHMA KUMARIS suggest how we can take stock of our lives and reduce stress Can any of us be free of stress? Stress is a feeling we experience when something inside or outside of us is not in control....
BRAHMA KUMARIS list 10 spiritual lessons each of us must learn from our smart phones Switch off your phone at night Shut down your cell phone at night to avoid unnecessary radiation. Similarly, switch off from everything in our mind...
BRAHMA KUMARIS chart out a simple list of freebies that we must all aim to acquire to feel good about ourselves Health and wisdom go hand in hand. They are like body and soul. One focuses on the physical aspect...
BRAHMA KUMARIS chart out some essential tips to recoup the mind when you suddenly fall ill When you suddenly fall ill, life suddenly slows down. Actions become slower, and the mind stops running; life moves into the slow lane and...
The BRAHMA KUMARIS pay rich tributes to the six gurus we encounter in our daily life On this day, let us remember all the teachers who have taught us something in life. The importance of teachers can’t be overlooked because...
Self-help and spiritual books have flooded the market. This is a top-selling genre, outselling thrillers and murder mysteries, biographies and autobiographies. The BRAHMA KUMARIS discuss how reading such books makes us better versions of ourselves Let’s dive straight into the...
Follow these simple principles to put you on the road to health and happiness, say the BRAHMA KUMARIS Happiness, as defined by many, is to have something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to. All of...
The mind is like a little child. We need to master the art of keeping it busy so that it is not attracted by anything harmful, say the BRAHMA KUMARIS Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental...
As the cricket season rages in Dubai, let us liken life to this popular sport. Play the game of life with caution, in God’s wonderful company if you want to save yourself from defeat, misery and agony say the BRAHMA...
The BRAHMA KUMARIS recommend Rajyoga meditation along with self-affirmations to battle Covid-19 These are unprecedented times. The world had not imagined that a virus emanating from China would engulf the whole world and change lives so dramatically in such a...
Apart from a healthy diet and routine, one must inculcate discipline in life, say the BRAHMA KUMARIS Self-discipline is not a matter of intelligence. It is a matter of will and emotion as stated by Dr S Radhakrishan, a great...
Stop gossiping and think only about the goodness of people. Do this and you will realise that you are making the world a better place to live in, say the BRAHMA KUMARIS Have you felt the urge to share a...
Regular connection with God eventually frees the soul from the influence of vices, and it is only after achieving this liberation that the soul can experience lasting happiness, say BRAHMA KUMARIS Most of us go through life making various efforts...
The more unconditional love we give, the more love we receive ― and the closer we get to the divinity within us and in others What is true love? People may have different definitions of it, but true love is...
A healthy and happy mind bases its reactions on deep, original knowledge Cleanliness of spirit means coming close, without fear; to accept a penetrating gaze knowing you have nothing to hide. It comes with a happy mind and constant checking....
Tolerance is bouncing back even when you are thrown against a very hard wall. A square can’t bounce because it is made of straight lines, but a ball can because it is round and usually light. Whatever its size, it...
To ensure that we make progress on our spiritual path, we need to create an environment of pure vibrations around us. We must decide not to create anger, hurt or hatred, but we often fail to do this because our...