DR PUSHPA CHATURVEDI analyses the benefits of spiritual versus material living
There are two ways to live life. One is living a spiritual life and the second is a materialistic life. One can live a life with spiritual values and be humane, understand that life is a gift to cherish, and spread positive vibrations around us.
Spiritual living gives one the feeling or belief that there is something greater than oneself; that there is something more than being just human. Then love, compassion, altruism and truth become priorities. What the world needs today are spiritual values and people living with joy, peace and a brotherly feeling ― like one big, happy family.
In the second way of life, one can enjoy material pleasures. This would mean living with values that accord high priority to making money and loading oneself with possessions and endeavouring to build an image of name and fame, maybe even resorting to dishonesty to achieve goals.

A materialistic life could lead to a host of negative traits, including egoism, manipulation, intolerance and selfishness to beat the competition and stay on top. This way of living can prove to be counterproductive and results only in unhappiness in the long run.
My fervent plea is to let the shadow of worldly ways stop casting darkness. Worldly ways only obstruct the light of soul power. To create a better world, let’s try to become ‘those’ and not ‘they.’
Oh God! Let My Shadow Cease
They kept speeding and concentrating on the din outside
Never staying still to listen to what comes from inside
Became restless and stressed during the ride
Those who were awakened by their inner voice
Enjoyed the pause, silence and peace, ignoring the noise
They kept dreaming of possessing all they saw
Couldn’t resist sense desires, drooling with awe

They were never satisfied, their needs multiplied
Those who remained content with what they had
Never felt unfortunate, jealous, unhappy or sad
They kept hoarding selfishly all they possessed
Even connived to grab others’ shares shamelessly
No amount of what they had was ever enough
Those who generously gave away all they could
Spread happiness and joy and felt so good.
They lived their life imprisoned in ego and greed
Went to any extent to make others’ hearts bleed
Ultimately, it was they who fell face down, indeed
Those who honoured integrity, humility, and honesty
Lived a life without fear, preserving their dignity
They loved with expectations to be fulfilled
When not as expected their joy was killed

Love lost its charm giving way to conflicts
Those who loved unconditionally without expectations
Understood and accepted happily without frustration
They could never reach the shore despite all they had
Possessions made them heavy, they drowned instead
They never let go ego, attachment, lust, greed and rage
Those who lived a life of love, content and sacrifice
Flowed effortlessly and reached the shore of paradise
Oh God! bless me to be Those and not They
Give me the wisdom to follow your voice and pray
Hold my hand tight, don’t let me go astray
For then only can I become love, bliss, and peace
Become one with you so that my worldly shadows cease
Featured Image by Dr Pushpa Chaturvedi
Dr Pushpa Chaturvedi, a paediatrician with over 50 years’ experience, is an educationist and researcher, with over 100 research publications, mainly on social paediatrics in renowned medical journals. Ex-Professor and Head of Department of Paediatrics, MGIMS Sevagram, Wardha, she is a thinker, writer, poet, artist and a spiritual blogger with over 500 blogs to her credit. Dr Chaturvedi is also a keen traveller, music and nature lover.
We can learn a lot from this valuable words, provided those who are really honest and spiritual practitioner. It’s a true fact, Paradise is with us, we must know how to avail it. Dr. Pushpa Chaturvedi is enlightened & blessed One. Hari Om 🕉 🙏🌼💐🌼
Very nice write up madam.
For me spirituality is nothing but a life without ego , hatred and non attachment to the
Worldly attractions .
Though unconditional love
like state is very difficult to attain but one can be in love to gain happiness that leads us to become a kind hearted person.
We are living in the materialistic world that is “We are too much with the world.”Ee can think of spirituality but it’s not so easy to be spiritual in thinking, in actions, etc. Yes, we can be honest in our work, helpful to others specially the suffering humanity. I think that the service to mankind is the service to God and that is spirituality.