Saturday, July 27, 2024

Category: Healthy Living

post-Let’s Make our Gardens Models of Biodiversity &  Well-BeingLet’s Make our Gardens Models of Biodiversity & Well-Being

The immediate need is to stop racketeers from using gardens to make money and ensuring that public gardens remain healthy places, aesthetic and environment friendly, says senior journalist VIDYADHAR DATE Mumbai’s elite is rightly up in arms against the decision to cut down...

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post-When Time Is ShortWhen Time Is Short

Just as short intense spurts of exercise are beneficial, so are short spurts of meditation, assures NAYASWAMI JYOTISH. Do your short meditation with greater intensity, he suggests We sometimes find ourselves in a situation in which we simply don’t have...

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post-88, Not Out!88, Not Out!

PRIYANKA ROY, a dance instructor talks about what makes her 88-year-old Dadu, DR P P Chakraborty, a retired scientist from the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre tick – his brand of Hasya Yoga and positive attitude that he says is what...

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post-Grow Veggies in the RainsGrow Veggies in the Rains

The season is just right to begin planting some useful herbs and vegetables for your home kitchen, says REENA SINGH As monsoon begins to hit India, most places especially in the north of India have already experienced a couple of showers...

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post-You Are Influenced By What You See And HearYou Are Influenced By What You See And Hear

In a chat with KAITY CAMA, a well-known energy healer, REENA SINGH learnt about how to appreciate music and how different forms of music can help the mind heal  Can music be a tool to find peace? I asked this...

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post-In Pursuit of HappinessIn Pursuit of Happiness

What is happiness? My mind posed a myriad questions In pursuit of happiness, I learned these few lessons. I realised that ‘pursuit of happiness ‘is the most ridiculous phrase If you pursue happiness you’ll never find it, you will go...

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post-Protecting the Environment is Our DharmaProtecting the Environment is Our Dharma

Today, June 5, is World Environment Day and it’s our dharma to reaffirm our commitment to care for nature. The modern world seemed to have woken up rather late on the need to protect the environment, for it’s just 47...

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post-Life in a Small TownLife in a Small Town

Many people now choose to live in the satellite towns that invariably spring up near big cities. Life is definitely more peaceful and healthier here, says ARJUN PEREIRA An eternal debate rages about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a...

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post-Healthy Coexistence of Medicine SystemsHealthy Coexistence of Medicine Systems

If religions can coexist happily, so can different medicine systems walk hand-in-hand to put you on the path of health and happiness, says REENA SINGH I have been a user of both Ayurveda and Allopathy. No, I am not using...

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