Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Category: Inspirational

post-The Real Mission ImpossibleThe Real Mission Impossible

Arunima Sinha lost her leg, but not her courage and determination to achieve what would seem impossible for an amputee.  Two years after criminals hurled her out of a moving train after snatching a gold chain along with her belongings,...

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post-The Secret of HappinessThe Secret of Happiness

Every day people go out, go to work, earn money and become more and more prosperous.  Yet, at the end of the day, when they return home, they are not happy.  At night, when they lie in bed to go to sleep,...

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post-God just called to say…“I Love You”God just called to say…“I Love You”

When I was a child barely three years old, before I even knew who or what God is, my mother told me God is everywhere. She didn’t even tell me God exists in heaven, because that would mean explaining the...

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post-Who is Bhagawan?Who is Bhagawan?

He who possesses bhaga is Bhagawan. Bhaga means majesty (aishwarya) or potency (shakti). Therefore, Bhagawan is He who possesses majesty and potency. The word Bhagawan does not specifically define the type of potency or energy involved. Bhagawan is the Omnipotent...

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post-Music is the Soul of LifeMusic is the Soul of Life

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato India has an ancient and rich musical heritage, which we can build on and share as we collaborate with...

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post-STORY OF A CANCER SURVIVOR: The Day I Felt One With the UniverseSTORY OF A CANCER SURVIVOR: The Day I Felt One With the Universe

This is an extract from Second Go, the author’s personal memoir about her liver transplant surgery. She says: “Selling words is how I make a living. But Second Go was a catharsis of bottled-up deep-buried emotions and a nerve-rattling experience...

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post-Living her Dream of Car RacingLiving her Dream of Car Racing

Sneha Sharma discovered that car racing was her first love when she was 16 years old. But it then seemed so unreal and dream-like. Her parents, too, opposed her from taking up car racing, pleading that it was a dangerous...

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post-The Baba Who Sees God In NatureThe Baba Who Sees God In Nature

The Baba who spent 10 years in cleaning a river, now cleans railway stations, lays roads and doesn’t hesitate to flatten mounds to create smoother passages for his fellow villagers. Imagine bringing back a river to life, once again. That’s...

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post-Master Your Mind To Conquer FearMaster Your Mind To Conquer Fear

Through a real life incident, Amrit Raj, a young yoga guru, based in Rishikesh, tells us how you can apply yoga teachings to real, practical life and master your mind to conquer fear. With a bit of practice, yoga comes...

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post-Crusader Against Child MarriageCrusader Against Child Marriage

Payal Jangid, a teenager from a village, Hinsla, in Rajasthan has made curbing of child marriages and abolition of child labour her twin missions in life. “Many resign themselves, to the way things are, far too easily. Everyone must challenge...

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post-Call of the GangaCall of the Ganga

Sitting on the steps on the banks of the Ganga in Rishikesh  some summers ago gave me a feeling of peace and unity with the universe, more than I ever experienced in a church, temple, gurdwara or other places of...

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post-CHANGEMAKER: A Differently Abled Doctor Lives Her DreamCHANGEMAKER: A Differently Abled Doctor Lives Her Dream

Dr Aiswarya Rao, now 47, was struck with polio when she was three, causing weakening of her muscles and locomotive disability. She has been moving around in crutches since then. But this has neither been an impediment for Dr Rao...

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post-The Laughing Dalai LamaThe Laughing Dalai Lama

There is a myth surrounding the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhists, who has been living in exile in India for more than 60 years. They say that his aura extends to more than three km. I...

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post-CHANGEMAKER: Young Indian Anoyara Khatun Saves Children From Trafficking Across The GlobeCHANGEMAKER: Young Indian Anoyara Khatun Saves Children From Trafficking Across The Globe

On Friday, September 25, 2015 an Indian teenager Anoyara Khatun joined hands with Melinda and Bill Gates to help women and children around the world. She sat beside Bill and Melinda Gates and called for an end to child trafficking....

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post-HEARTWARMER: Son To A Thousand ParentsHEARTWARMER: Son To A Thousand Parents

It’s ironic that India that is known for legendary figures like Shravan Kumar in the epic, Ramayana, also has people who abandon their parents on the streets or who themselves come and drop off their old parents at shelters just so...

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post-The Yogi Inspired The EntrepreneurThe Yogi Inspired The Entrepreneur

There is, perhaps, no book that has inspired so many famous people as Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda. The best known among them is Steve Jobs, who was a business magnate and Chairman, CEO and co-founder of Apple Inc. Autobiography...

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post-CHANGE MAKER:Grace Nshimiyumukiza  is changing the life of refugeesCHANGE MAKER:Grace Nshimiyumukiza is changing the life of refugees

Grace Nshimiyumukiza, who grew up in a refugee camp with 150,000 inhabitants in Kakuma Kenya, could have lived her life in self-pity bemoaning her fate, but she chose not to do so. Instead, she rose above her so-called misfortune and...

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post-HEARTWARMER: She looks beyond her own problems to help the poorHEARTWARMER: She looks beyond her own problems to help the poor

She is not a rich farmer and earns a modest Rs three lakhs per year from her vegetable produce on a seven-acre plot of land. But she has a heart of gold. She is Chhayarani Sahu, a 57-year-old farmer living...

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