Saturday, July 27, 2024
post-Master Your Mind To Conquer FearMaster Your Mind To Conquer Fear

Through a real life incident, Amrit Raj, a young yoga guru, based in Rishikesh, tells us how you can apply yoga teachings to real, practical life and master your mind to conquer fear. With a bit of practice, yoga comes...

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post-The Time When We Were All Environmental WarriorsThe Time When We Were All Environmental Warriors

In the seventies when I was growing up, we were all Greta Thunbergs, environmental warriors. Except that we did not know it. The way of life, adopted by our family of nine with my dad being the sole bread earner,...

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post-Six Simple Lessons From The CoronavirusSix Simple Lessons From The Coronavirus

“Covid-19 eventually will peak and then dissipate. By God’s grace that will happen sooner rather than later. I am neither an epidemiologist nor clairvoyant, but I do know that eventually we will be, mostly, Covid free. While the coronavirus and...

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post-Crusader Against Child MarriageCrusader Against Child Marriage

Payal Jangid, a teenager from a village, Hinsla, in Rajasthan has made curbing of child marriages and abolition of child labour her twin missions in life. “Many resign themselves, to the way things are, far too easily. Everyone must challenge...

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post-Secret soil recipe for your home-grown plantsSecret soil recipe for your home-grown plants

During this lockdown period, I found a few of the WhatsApp groups that I engaged with regularly take up gardening, especially terrace gardening. Coincidentally, just a few days before the lockdown was announced in the third week of March, I...

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post-Spiritual Ego is Like Excess BaggageSpiritual Ego is Like Excess Baggage

The most dangerous type of ego is spiritual ego. Every person on a spiritual path has to be very careful about developing it. After many years of spiritual practice or reading many spiritual books, or sometimes even after reading one...

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post-Call of the GangaCall of the Ganga

Sitting on the steps on the banks of the Ganga in Rishikesh  some summers ago gave me a feeling of peace and unity with the universe, more than I ever experienced in a church, temple, gurdwara or other places of...

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post-Reiki in the Time Of Covid-19Reiki in the Time Of Covid-19

Who would have thought that life would change so dramatically? It has been over two months that we have been locked up in our homes, cooking, cleaning, working from home, cut off from our friends and in some cases, even...

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post-A Different Cup of TeaA Different Cup of Tea

The lockdown gave the author time to experiment with different kinds of flower and herbal teas I will begin with the etymology of Swastha, the Sanskrit word for health and well-being. It is a compound word, combining, Swa, and Stha....

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