Here is your daily, go-to website for a dose of happy, wholesome info. A place where you can find answers on how to deal with stress and the hassles of daily living; read about achievers who were born ordinary — just like you and me but went on to change their neighbourhood with their ideas and innovations; find plenty of tips to lead a healthy life and a host of other topics on life and positivism.
It’s a realt fascinating experience of change and adaptation that you’ve shared. Weirdly enough this article has given me clarity about a decision that I have been struggling with for some days. The weird part is that my decision has no connection with any of the above in any manner, yet the article has helped me in some way.
Thanks a lot fkr sharing.
As to whether you made a right decision, I would say ‘Yes’, for I bore witness to your excitement and happiness resulting from the decision, when you showed us around (virtually) your farm in a recent webinar.
Dagny, a brilliant piece of writing that warmed my heart. You inspire any aspiring wanna be home farmer to venture into bigger things
Loved the way, you capture the essence of your beautiful farm and with so much love and emotion. For a terrace farmer, who struggles to keep the place from looking like a jungle, if I over plant, I envy you the ample space you boast…25,000 sq feet is a lot of land to cultivate
Enjoy your farm.
One day when all this madness of Covid is over, I shall visit your farm.