post-Goodbye Sin, Hello DivinityGoodbye Sin, Hello Divinity
For a long time, teachers of religion have condemned humans as sinners. Taking a cue from our scriptures, isn’t it time we say goodbye to sin and discover the divinity within all of us.
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Practical Spirituality
post-Export and Import of Our Spiritual GurusExport and Import of Our Spiritual Gurus
Analysis of an interesting phenomenon: ‘export and import of our spiritual gurus’ — a strange paradox of our sages being better known in the West than in India, and the people in the country honouring them by virtue of their foreign-returned ‘glory.’
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post-A Joyful Soul ConnectionA Joyful Soul Connection
Rakesh Popli narrates a personal account of a soul connection, something we may see in a film, but can be true in real life too. Could a soul connection be a person you have known from a previous life?
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Keep Your BP Down and Bid Stress Goodbye

When I would worry about something or stay awake late into the night turning things over and over in my head, thinking what if I had done them differently, my father would tell me repeatedly, “Don’t fret, for what is done, is done.” And with a smile, he would tell me to wipe off those worry lines from my forehead. I would often notice that he, himself seemed quite carefree, whistling away all day long or singing melodiously and softly to himself as he went about driving himself to the bank or to the markets. It was of course, in an era before smart phones came into our life and destroyed our peace of mind.

Some of his philosophy rubbed on to me, for I decided that it is worthwhile having a good night’s sleep, whatever one may be fretting about. The problem will still be around the next morning and one can then resume worrying and solving the problem with a fresh head! Sometimes, problems just tend to solve themselves over time, so why spoil your night sleep over them?

In the course of my work, I once met a yoga guru who also knew the Bhagavad Gita, inside-out. He was fond of saying that life’s problems usually emanate from greed, for out of greed is born desire and this leads to attachment. This attachment eventually spirals into anger and from anger, comes stress that brings with it that dreaded Blood Pressure, suffering, and eventually, illness.