Saturday, July 27, 2024

Category: Talking Tree

post-To End or Not To End?To End or Not To End?

The writer, in a pensive mood wishes the lockdown to end, but wants the peace and beauty of nature to linger on With a cup of tea, She sits in her garden admiring, The palm trees swaying, Counting the papayas ripening. Silence...

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post-Nature WinsNature Wins

The poem paints an alternately grim picture of Mother Earth ravaged by the coronavirus and a series of natural calamities, on the one hand, while on the other, nature restores itself to its original pristine state of natural beauty in...

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post-Am I Doing What’s Right?Am I Doing What’s Right?

Sometimes, All You Need Is A New Perspective If you have inculcated this habit of being aware of natural laws, you will definitely wake up to the fact that everything doesn’t happen the way you desire or plan them. Despite...

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post-The Pros & Cons of Online TeachingThe Pros & Cons of Online Teaching

Covid-19 has brought sweeping changes to the way we teach in schools. This pandemic has forced education to go online without any prior warning, and teachers, students and parents were totally unprepared for this new model of teaching in schools. For...

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post-When Nature Turns Upside DownWhen Nature Turns Upside Down

Nature seems to be serving a purpose which is very evident and obvious – of propagating and sustaining life. The universe works under a system that seems to be ruled by certain laws. Who is running this system is a...

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post-Platonic Love is Alive and KickingPlatonic Love is Alive and Kicking

Can there be close bonding, without any physical attraction between a man and a woman? “I have a close friend of the opposite sex—someone I have known for ten years, since I was sixteen years old. We have a very...

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post-The World is One Big Beautiful FamilyThe World is One Big Beautiful Family

God created the world and mankind. There is but one creator and one human species. So doesn’t it follow that we are all part of one big universal world family?  If we firmly believe in one God of all creation and...

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post-How I Fell In and Out With GodHow I Fell In and Out With God

When we were children, we were told that God is present everywhere. So, as a kid I saw God’s hand in nature and in everything small and beautiful. My favourite God-creation was a butterfly. I used to creep up towards...

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post-Children with Special Needs Shine in Splendid WaysChildren with Special Needs Shine in Splendid Ways

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting times of one’s life and nothing remains the samHe after the little one arrives. Brimming with selfless love and a sense of deep responsibility, parents leave no stone unturned in doing...

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