One who can meticulously discover the meeting point of his head and heart can hope to open up the door of his soul, and aspire to be blessed with the power of insight, says BATURAM NAYAK It is said: “There’s...
One who can meticulously discover the meeting point of his head and heart can hope to open up the door of his soul, and aspire to be blessed with the power of insight, says BATURAM NAYAK It is said: “There’s...
God created men and women to be equal partners on earth, in His beautiful blue planet ― to flourish and prosper and live in happiness and harmony. Let us not mar our joy by confronting each other, says OSWALD PEREIRA...
As all major developments have taken place in the world by people ‘standing on the shoulders of their predecessors’, we should acknowledge the contribution that senior citizens can make to society and bring them into the mainstream to uphold the...
It is not only important but essential for a good leader to believe in and implement acts of practical spirituality, says RAMESH RAJARAMAN Leadership applies not only to the workplace, but to every group where one has to lead a...
There is a voice inside you that whispers all day long – and if you listen to this voice, you will know what’s right for you, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without taking recourse to...
Relationship is something which has to be revered, adored, honestly endorsed, and more than that, celebrated with a sense of ownership and accountability, says BATURAM NAYAK The connotation of the word ‘Relationship’ carries a deeper meaning than the surface sense...
Tomorrow will be another day; whether it will be a good day or a bad day, doesn’t really matter. Only love matters, says CHANA MEDDIN October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the US. So I went for my mammogram...
It doesn’t matter what language you pray in. Just pray, and you will see the magic, says SWAMI CHIDANAND SARASWATI The key to removing the ‘want’ from our lives is to give more, serve more and sacrifice more. One of...
How should we manage our ego?It is very easy. It is said that when a peacock sees its beautiful feathers, it becomes proud, but when it sees its ugly legs, it becomes modest. The same is true of man. In...