There is a voice inside you that whispers all day long – and if you listen to this voice, you will know what’s right for you, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA

Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without taking recourse to conscious reasoning. It is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytical reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind and also between instinct and reason. We all need to learn to listen more to our intuition or soul and not to the negative voice of ego and fear, the voices of doom, which is also the voice of our mind. 

Intuition is the voice of our soul, and our soul is a part of God. Intuition is the ancient old wisdom that we are all born with and as we learn to listen, we can develop and then act upon the messages from this beautiful higher power, that has always been within us. 

Follow your heart and listen to your inner voice, and stop caring about what others think. There is a voice inside you that whispers all day long – and if you listen to this voice, you will know what’s right for you. It is the voice of your higher self or the intuitive voice of your internal guidance system of your soul. 


The voice of the higher self often communicates in subtle ways at first, such as through dreams but it can also become persistent or nagging. We must learn to get guidance from it, and listen to it rather than to that destructive voice of our ego. If we learn to do this, we can save ourselves from committing big blunders in life. Have you noticed how this inner voice always warns you when you are about to make a wrong decision? Unfortunately, we often ignore this and go ahead with our wrong decisions anyway. 

Sometimes, however, we just cannot hear this voice. That is because of the big noise our thoughts create that are racing inside our mind. Thousands of thoughts enter in and out of our mind every minute of every day, some consciously and some subconsciously. 

Being aware of all the voices in your mind can be challenging but this is crucial on the path to enlightenment. Meditation is one way to make sense of these voices. The internal dialogue that we all have is fundamental to our health and to our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. 

Our Sixth Sense

Intuition is also called the sixth sense because it is a response to information received from our immediate environment. It can be relied upon with some level of certainty like the other senses. Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Surely, you have heard of this oft repeated saying: ‘Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.’

Intuition is not a magical occurrence but a well-coordinated process between the brain and the heart. Intuition is the way that the non-physical part of us, our soul communicates with us. The soul guides us in every way. It can help with huge decisions and big stuff and everyday small stuff, as well. 

Intuition is an elusive phenomenon, and we still have to understand what causes one person to be more intuitive than another? Is it something an individual is born with or something he has to learn in the course of life? A number of intuitive people report paranormal beliefs, experiences and abilities, and are more likely to endorse a metaphysical worldview. 

Meditation helps you to quieten the noise in your mind

To listen to your intuition or inner voice of your soul, relax and don’t force your intuition over a situation. Neither should you ever suppress the inner voice; rather, you should remain a distant watcher of the situation, rather than forcing yourself to look for a solution. Let it happen naturally. You will, over time, learn to differentiate between your inner voice and the voice of the mind or your ego, live an honest and ethical life, and make decisions which make your soul happy. 

The soul’s quest for peace is more important than anything else in the world. Our intuition is the mysterious force in our lives that guides, protects and informs us with insight not usually available or readily present in the conscious mind. But deep within our subconscious, lies infinite wisdom, and infinite power. Thus, intuition is an amazingly powerful tool, a gift ready and available to us but often ignored or forgotten. Recognise it as the voice of your soul, and know that it is the means by which your spirit guides, inspires and communicates with you. When you follow the guidance of your soul, you live a divinely inspired life, a life that is infused with purpose, synchronicity, ease and grace.

Dr Sanjay Teotia is a senior consultant eye surgeon

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