Become light and beautiful inside to find peace and happiness this Christmas and in the New Year, says DR PUSHPA CHATURVEDI 

While chatting with friends just before the Christmas and New Year break, we were discussing how to become beautiful by shedding some weight. This had nothing to do with improving our looks, dieting and gym visits or cosmetic changes. We were talking about augmenting our inner beauty regimes. Each shared their views on ways to enhance the beauty of the soul.

As we celebrate Christmas and the New Year to follow, we all thought it would be great if we ring in some reforms in our thoughts and way of life by refocusing our energy towards positivism; and herald in more peace and greater joy.

We all agreed that we must learn to Let Go what we can’t change ― that would be the key to happiness. What follows are poems that express our learning from our discussion.

Dr Pushpa Chaturvedi

Let Go and Enhance Your Life Span

Tie no weights to your ankles,

Don’t make your heart heavy 

Your mind loaded and restless

Let go all pain and stress 

Let go what you can’t change 

Become free of negativity 

Enhance your life longevity 

Unburden and become light 

Keep smiling and spread smiles 

Accept everything and keep nothing 

Reflect on everything, reject nothing  

Be loving, compassionate and kind 

Then your inner beauty will shine 

Inner beauty puts a glow on your face 

You experience God’s abundant grace  

Become light and beautiful inside 

Peace and happiness you will find 

 Let Go, Become Light and Beautiful Inside

Let go your anger and irritation 

Let go your bitter confrontations 

Let go your suspicions and doubts 

Let go your tendency to shout 

Let go comparing and complaining 

Let go fighting, condemning and criticising 

Let go binding yourself to shackles of chains  

Let go carrying weights of past hurt and pains 

Let go yesterday’s painful tragedies 

Let go burdens of past casualties  

Let go what you can’t change today 

Like the birds enjoy freedom from negativity (Painting by Dr Pushpa Chaturvedi)

Let go and accept what comes your way 

Let go dumb things that break your happiness 

Let go expectations, frustrations and stress 

Let go acting standoffish and unapproachable 

Let go being egoistic and demanding

Let go the belief that some people are below you 

Let go ego and pride and making others subdued 

Let go being lazy and making others do your duty 

Let go intimidating people and showing cruelty

Let go the idea that you are a status symbol 

Let go that others are inferior and not fit to mingle 

Let go the thought that you do not have enough 

Let go stuff you don’t need;  just give it up 

Let go seeking happiness from outside of you 

Let go looking for rewards for good deeds you do 

Let go speaking lies; live with honesty and integrity 

Let go living a life of showing off and hypocrisy 

Let go neglecting your health and your needs 

Let go procrastinating your essential deeds 

Let go fear, impatience and taking failures to heart 

Let go talking to your negative self

Let go all negative influences of any weather 

Let go changing yourself just to impress others 

Let go needing everyone to like your personality 

Let go pleasing all; don’t loose your originality 

Let go hate; live with love and compassion 

Let go being selfish; be kind in words and actions 

Let go; just surrender and accept what He wills 

Let go worldly desires and become happiness and bliss

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2023

Featured Image: Painting by Dr Pushpa Chaturvedi, depicts ripples of joy experienced within, with beautiful and positive thoughts

Dr Pushpa Chaturvedi, a paediatrician with over 50 years’ experience, is an educationist and researcher, with over 100 research publications, mainly on social paediatrics in renowned medical journals. Ex-Professor and Head of Department of Paediatrics, MGIMS Sevagram, Wardha, she is a thinker, writer, poet, artist and a spiritual blogger with over 500 blogs to her credit. Dr Chaturvedi is also a keen traveller, music and nature lover.

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