While we create societies focused on well-being, as recommended by WHO, let’s first build our own health fortress that can’t be attacked by disease and the unhealthy environment around us, says OSWALD PEREIRA
On World Health Day 2022, today, WHO is focussing global attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being. A very laudable objective, on the surface.
But if we look deeper, the need of the times is to create awareness about holistic healing of not only the body, but the mind and soul as well. Only with this approach will we be able to build societies focused on well-being.
There have been great developments in science and medicine, but diseases and the number of people suffering from them has increased. As WHO estimates that more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. The climate crisis is also a health crisis, WHO adds.

However, bigger than the climate crisis is the crisis of the spirit, which has taken a beating with modern man’s emphasis on material pursuits and the pharmaceutical industry joining this race by producing drugs that don’t really cure but merely address the superficial symptoms.
In this quest for easy money, natural methods of cure have been given the short shrift.
How many doctors tell patients the healing power of the sun? Sun-bathing when done in the early hours of the morning has great curative effects. Harmful microbes wither away under the sun rays.
Similarly, healthy eating habits ― eating judiciously and sensibly; a balanced diet ― and fasting at regular intervals, have great curative effects.
Fasting is a natural method of healing and gives the body a chance to cleanse itself and to rest from consumption of unhealthy foods. Those who practise yoga recommend fasting to stay healthy in body, mind and soul. Herbs and herb extracts can also do wonders to the body.
But the best medicine is divine healing or the power of God.
The great yogi and sage Paramhansa Yogananda says, “The external factors of medicines and fasting have a certain beneficial effect on the physical body, but they do not affect the inner force that sustains the cells.”
He adds, “It is only when you go to God and receive His healing power that the life energy is directed into the atoms of the bodily cells and produces instantaneous healing.”

“Wouldn’t you rather depend more on God?” he asks.
The Supreme Power may be invoked by continuous faith and unceasing prayer. “You should eat rightly and do whatever else is necessary for the body, but continuously pray to Him,” Yogananda suggests.
As moving pictures are sustained by a beam of light coming from the projection booth of a movie house, so are all of us sustained by the Cosmic Beam, the Divine Light pouring from the projection booth of Eternity, he says.
Yogananda recommends some affirmations for self healing. I found this one, among the most powerful ― “God’s perfect health permeates the dark nooks of my bodily sickness. In all my cells His healing light is shining. They are entirely well, for His perfection is in them.”
So, while we create societies focused on well-being, let’s first build our own health fortress that can’t be attacked by disease and the unhealthy environment around us.
Oswald Pereira, a senior journalist, has also written eight books, including The Newsroom Mafia, Chaddi Buddies, The Krishna-Christ Connexion, How to Create Miracles in Our Daily Life and Crime Patrol: The Most Thrilling Stories. Oswald is a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, and practises Kriya Yoga.
Building our own health fortress is indeed the direct approach to not merely deal with all the threat of impurities of the world but work upon the cause of pathology itself so that we can contribute our part as well to make it a better world. And hence, Rishi Sanskriti focused on sattvik living and sattvic fooding as the only way to sattvic inner engineering so that one becomes balanced and centred…what else is the meaning of स्वस्थ (स्व-स्थ), perfect health is just that!
Being natural is of course the only way to get attuned with the self sustaining and self balancing vibe of nature, as Paramahamsa says, the Cosmic Beam or Divine Energy which so democratically permeates through every aspect of the universe. Seeing in this very light, holistic health does not consists in having a sound body only but also having a healthy spirit as well so that there is perfect body-mind metabolism to vibrate with the cosmic symphony.
May we genuinely understand the message of Swami Yogananda ji and take it as our life and soul enriching sutra
so that we become a means and medium of the resurgent healing process so that God’s perfect health permeates the dark nooks of our bodily sickness and feel that in all our cells His healing light is shining…They are entirely well, for His perfection is in them. May this very way we feel the thrill of well being and God blessed.
Thank you Oswald ji for this beautiful post.
Happy World Health Day All 😃
Baturamji, thank you for the wonderful value-add to my article.
Yoganandaji’s teachings are always so inspiring, indeed.
But he speaks for God and takes no credit for himself.
“It is only when you go to God….”
I was drawn to these lines more importantly Oswald jee!
Body is the temple of God. One must know how to take its care.
It is afterall a beautiful manifestation of eternally shining Consciousness.
Good morning. A nice read after my late waking up today. For the firsttime i failed to offer an online seva. My body was exhausted as i couldn’t give it proper rest since last five days. The phone was in silence mode so the alarm and several calls dissolved in that silence, when the body was getting fueled with life energy.
Enjoyed the relevance of the theme.
Have a nice day Oswald jee!
Sad Gurunath Maharaj ki Jay 🙏🏼
Thank you Manas Jee for always being a pillar of support and your kind words and encouragement to our cause.
Look forward to your articles for our website once again.
Brilliant! Enjoyed reading it. Fascinating to see your slant and Paramhansa Yogananda’s words on it as well.
Thank you, Arjun