All of us are heroes in our own right, but it is left to us to develop our potential based on our own merit, coupled with hard work, rather than depending on favours from others, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN Everyone...

All of us are heroes in our own right, but it is left to us to develop our potential based on our own merit, coupled with hard work, rather than depending on favours from others, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN Everyone...
No amount of wealth and fortune can supply the needs of the human soul. Amidst plenty, one is plagued by loneliness. Therefore, one is always seeking something to fill the void. The only true answer to this quest for a...
As all major developments have taken place in the world by people ‘standing on the shoulders of their predecessors’, we should acknowledge the contribution that senior citizens can make to society and bring them into the mainstream to uphold the...
How should we manage our ego?It is very easy. It is said that when a peacock sees its beautiful feathers, it becomes proud, but when it sees its ugly legs, it becomes modest. The same is true of man. In...
When problems strike us, we should not look upon them as negative developments, but challenges, which when handled with courage and ingenuity usher in a new dawn in our lives, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN The fact is that our world...
Spirituality is the greatest source of positive thinking, positive taste, positive habits and positive behaviour. A positive person is a blessing for his home, for society and for his nation, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN He who believes in simple living...
A subatomic particle, although not visible, does exist. This shows that for something to exist, it is not necessary that it should be visible, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN It is strange to believe that there is God, but, not to...
One very important aspect of marriage is intellectual partnership, important for both man and woman. Each one of us needs to have an intellectual partner with whom we can have a dialogue, and try to discover better options. And the...
Differences are not evil, but are a blessing as they create challenges that lead to development and progress in the world. The simplest and most natural formula is to follow one religion, and respect all, says MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN I...
One who adopts forgiveness has adopted a divine attribute, the highest quality to which a human being can aspire, says Maulanaji What is forgiveness? Forgiveness means to grant pardon for a person’s mistake or wrongdoing and not hold resentment against...
There is a well-known saying attributed to Jesus Christ: “Love your enemy.” (Matthew) This saying holds highest importance for fostering love. Love includes compassion, as both love and compassion are synonymous with each other. ‘Love your enemy’ means love everyone...