It’s all up to us to do something about getting rid of the fear of the coronavirus, says a philosophical ARJUN PEREIRA

While the very mention of the Covid-19 pandemic strikes terror, anxiety and stress in most people’s hearts and minds, I always feel that there is something that you can do about it personally, rather than become an effect of it.

Your actions do not have to be so big and heroic to start with; they can be as miniscule as taking care to maintain more strict hygiene with yourself and in the house you live in. Wear your mask when you interact with other people. After all, when you are being at cause over a situation and taking prevention steps then, you can be at ease as you may heard the quote, “Prevention is better than a cure.” Even the vaccine, ironically is a prevention methodology rather than a direct cure for the illness.

Nevertheless, there are always small steps that you can take to boost your immune system as no virus can cause any real harm or damage when you are healthy, robust and are taking care of what you eat, what you see and what you do.

Arjun Pereira

Things You Can Learn

For starters, one should spend his valuable time at home by playing a musical instrument that you have always wanted to learn or by reading those books you have always wanted to read. Learn new recipes and cook those meals you have always wanted to cook. Get in the shape you have always wanted to be in with home workouts and Yoga sessions. Learn to meditate effectively and get the myriad benefits of doing this. Listen to Hindustani classical music or Western Classical music with lots of awareness and attention to detail. Do your favourite course on Udemy or Coursera to upskill yourself. 

Move or adventure out of your comfort zone and try something that you never thought you could learn or do, something that is the opposite of what you have always done or been good at!

The possibilities and variations are infinite; it is up to you to discover what suits you the best. 

Putting your time to good use

Get Off The News

While some people claim that you should watch the news all the time to be well-informed, I say turn off the TV and instead focus on your real passions, hobbies and to-do lists. Watching TV news will unnecessarily give you stress without presenting workable solutions for you to apply to combat the pandemic. 

Read the newspaper or scroll through news websites occasionally when you want to be informed of what’s happening with the virus and the consequences thereof.

You will anyways always get to know through a family member or a friend, through facebook or WhatsApp all the latest news. 

There is so much you can do if you simply set your mind to it and focus on it. Be optimistic and do actions to motivate yourself; these, in turn will only create more motivation and the zest and zeal to do much more than you thought yourself capable of doing.

Arjun Pereira, a writer and editor, is also a singer, composer, lyricist and guitarist. He has worked for leading publishing houses and corporates.

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Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Featured photo by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay