These days there’s much talk on dictatorship in India ― some in public, but a lot more in private conversations in homes and small cosy parties among friends. The question is: will a dictator thrive in India or will dictatorship be a successful form of governance?

Personally, I will give a thumbs down to dictatorship and I really don’t see anyone on the horizon, who is powerful enough to be a dictator.

Historically, we have no record of dictatorship establishing itself in modern India, post-Independence. If any odd, ‘powerful’ politician tried to introduce dictatorial emergency measures in the past to ensure continued rule, the people rose in protest through the ballot box and ended the rule of that ‘dictator.’

Although India is a comparatively young democracy, gaining independence from the British Raj just 77 years ago, there’s great vibrancy in its systems, with the people strongly guarding their rights, and being very well aware of their duties.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time” – Abraham Lincoln (Pic Courtesy: Wikipedia)

It would be a grave error for any politician or party to take the electorate’s loyalty for granted. The people, even the seemingly uneducated, are very aware of the ground realities and conscious of the games that politicians play, seeing through the veil of fakeness and false promises. 

To use a popular saying by the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

This saying is applicable and very relevant to the Indian people, who can’t be fooled for a long time.

Sooner than later, the sane, wise and sensible Indian electorate will sniff out the good from the bad, the true from the false, and vote for the right politicians and party. If any politician who has gained popularity by whatever means imagines that he or she can now go on ruling like a dictator ‘forever,’ curbing rights and freedoms, is living in a world ruled by illusion.

Oswald Pereira

The tolerance level for dictators is zero in the Indian electorate which is free-spirited and cherishes their rights and freedoms.

Philosophically and spiritually, too, dictatorship will not work for India. Plurality and diversity is embedded in the Indian psyche. But amidst all these differences, there’s unity and oneness ― which is nothing short of a metaphysical miracle.

India gave birth to Sanātana Dharma, the ‘eternal dharma’ or ‘eternal order’ that embraces in its fold all religions. In Sanātana Dharma, the mother to all religions, all faiths are equal, all religious paths lead to One God. Therefore, all, irrespective of class, caste or creed are equal. Just like no one religion is superior, no one person is superior or supreme. God, of course, is the Only Supreme Being.

For the people of India, who believe in Sanātana Dharma, dictatorship or a dictator has no place ― the concept and the person would be anti-Sanātana Dharma. Dictatorship and the person running it would have a short life, indeed, if at all, it materialises.

Oswald Pereira, a senior journalist, has also written eight books, including The Newsroom Mafia, Chaddi Buddies, The Krishna-Christ Connexion, How to Create Miracles in Our Daily Life and Crime Patrol: The Most Thrilling Stories. Oswald is a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, and practises Kriya Yoga.

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