The poet, SANJEEV SETHI draws on God’s Allness to soothe his turbulence

In the unruliness

Sanjeev Sethi

of my uppermost part

I draw on His omneity

to hush the house.

He is balm to bedlam

tune to soothing motifs

amidst turbulence.

I seek Him

in my lowest hour,

most luminous stretch.

This isn’t for naysayers.


is the belief.

There is no other benefit.

(First published in Ancient Paths Literary Magazine)

Sanjeev Sethi has written more than 1300 poems printed or posted in literary venues in over 30 countries. He is joint-winner of Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux organised by the Hedgehog Poetry Press. Recent credits: The Cannon’s Mouth, Gold Dust Magazine, The Poetry Shed, Pomona Valley Review, Ephemeral Elegies, and Rochford Street Review. He lives in Mumbai.