Follow the Sun and you will know Dharma in its completeness. Meditate on the Sun and it will eradicate Tamas or inertia and make you shine forth, says MOHANJI

The Sun does Supreme Service. It nourishes the entire solar system, aids life, sustains life, recycles life and also reproduces life. The Sun does all of this very objectively; purely on dharmic basis without any attachments, expectations or claims.

The Sun’s main aspect is heat. Heat creates, sustains and dissolves. Among all elements, fire swallows everything. It digests and delivers ash which does not retain any visible characteristic of any material that it swallowed. The same fire cooks our food and digests the food in our stomach. It is the same heat which gives energy to move and carry out functions, be it plants, animals or humans. Heat aids every transformation, every change in every plane.

The Sun is an epitome of lack of tamas (inertia). It never takes a holiday and does its duty perfectly well. It is self-inspired and never deviates from its path or duty, even if lowly clouds block its purpose at times. Earth also never takes leave! She receives the sun’s energy gracefully. There is no procrastination. In spiritual path, the biggest road block is tamas.


The Sun is the same even if it is obscured by clouds which are of lower stature. It is never affected by clouds. It stays as it is. Clouds come and go. Clouds change their form and intensity. But, clouds cannot stay for long, just like our emotions. When the clouds depart, the Sun is always in the background unchanged!

Our soul also should not get disturbed by emotions like the Sun does not get affected by clouds. The Sun witnesses clouds. When clouds depart, we see the bright Sun again. Beyond the clouds, there is sunshine. Beyond the emotions, there is the truth of existence.

The Sun’s brightness can never be diminished by clouds. Why do we think that the brightness of our soul will be faded by our fleeting emotions? When all emotions depart, only love remains, which is our basic nature. Sun is an embodiment of pure dharmic love.

The Sun represents Sanatan Dharma (the eternal ground rules of existence). The Sun exhibits perfect witness-hood. It is The Supreme Knowledge. Brightness, Light, Fire, Heat, Seasons, Movement, LIFE; The Sun signifies everything that life consists of.

The Sun does not ask for identity. It does not want recognition or wait for your thanks! It shines irrespective of anything. How we perceive that shine depends on us!

The Sun represents the cycle of existence. It creates, nourishes, sustains, dissolves or recycles ― even water, which can stop fire, is recycled into vapour, rain and then back to rivers by the Sun. It creates change in seasons cyclically. It moves the world and the lives on the world.

Sun is the abode of many beings. These beings are made of the same material of our soul, which cannot be drenched, or burnt by any element including fire. Their body itself is fire; or, fire transcends through them, or, they transcend through fire. No fire can harm them. They aid wisdom, not only to mankind, but to other beings in other planes too.

These are just a few aspects of the Sun. So, follow the Sun and you will know Dharma in its completeness. Meditate on the Sun. Chant Aditya Hridayam. It will eradicate Tamas and make you shine forth. Rise and Shine!

Human beings are inseparably connected to the Sun. In fact, almost all the species (animals, birds, plants …. ) are. Our systems wake up at sunrise and slow down to a minimal level at sunset. The body processes everything quicker and more efficiently between sunrise and sunset.

After sunset, because the shutters are down, whatever we consume goes to the storage boxes. It can be properly processed only when the Sun rises the next day. Our ancestors used to wake up in the morning before sunrise, purify themselves through ablutions, cleansing processes and chanting and used to be prepared to attain optimal efficiency during the day during sunrise and sunset.

They never used to eat anything after sunset. They never used to eat anything before sunrise. This used to save them from various disorders including indigestion to obesity.

Today, we have nocturnal beings. We not only consume junk food but also we consume them at the wrong times. This is totally against our system. Those who used to wake up early used to sleep early too. Thus, they followed the sun. Those who follow the sun can never be ill.

They will have no dementia or problems related to the mind also. Connecting to Sun keeps us refreshed and healthy. If you look at all the beings of other species, either they slow down, rest or get back to their nests at sunset and they sleep the whole night over. Before sunrise, they are awake and are efficiently at work through the day. None of the beings in nature have fatigue of any kind because they follow the sun. Sleeping late and waking up late is totally against our system.

Follow the Sun. It ensures a good life.

Mohanji has dedicated his life towards the earth and the service of all beings, with the conviction that the world should be a better place because we have lived here. Mohanji believes that: “The best religion for human beings is humanity” and the best practice is Ahimsa or non-violence in thought, word or action. He promotes the positive human qualities of kindness and compassion. He has a global following and lives his message of unconditional love expressed through Mohanji Foundations, Ammucare and ACT Foundations, which are conducting humanitarian activities globally. 


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