When we were children, Christmas was always a grand celebration, with new clothes and a sumptuous feast of the choicest food on December 25. A month before Christmas, we seven siblings ― four brothers and three sisters ― would accompany our mother to Crawford Market in Bombay (now Mumbai) on a shopping spree for new clothes, shoes and other accessories like socks and belts. The clothes would be stitched by our favourite tailor, whom we called Masterji.
Christmas midnight mass was also a special occasion held in the open air of our church grounds, led by several participating priests. The senior-most priest used to deliver a big sermon to the congregation, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ’s birth as our saviour to save mankind and redeem us from suffering and sin.
I remember as a lad, the priests of our (Catholic) church, not only on Christmas but on other occasions affirming the exclusivity of Christianity and we the people, the lucky, chosen ones. Christ was portrayed as a messiah, a God of love and compassion. Those who followed him would be saved and reach heaven, if they were good. Those who did not follow Christ faced the peril of hell, apparently, even if they were good. Even as a boy, I found this exclusivity, which bordered on elitism, jarring from the spiritual perspective.
I understand that other religions, too, talk of their God, as the true one. That’s their choice and prerogative, just like Christians, too, have the right to believe that Christ is the only way.

But, the belief that my God is the best doesn’t augur well for the unity of the human race. Talking of Jesus Christ, his teaching were simple: faith, love and forgiveness. He preached love of one’s neighbour; loving even one’s enemy. When he was dying on the cross after being tortured mercilessly, he prayed for his oppressors saying, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.”
Jesus was born in a manger, without much fanfare. He led a simple, frugal life, without any luxuries. His followers, including priests, who had taken the vows of celibacy, chastity and poverty, built huge, ornamental churches for people to worship Christ.
The messiah, believed to be the only son of God, who was an embodiment of humility, was a true yogi. He taught his disciples the concept of Yog or union with God. He exhorted them to seek God in their own temples and churches within. Indeed, there is no mention of building luxurious churches in any of the Gospels.
More importantly, the philosophy that Christ preached was not of exclusivity but unity. One of the best known yogis of our times, Paramhansa Yogananda made it his mission “to reveal the complete harmony and basic oneness of original Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ and original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan Krishna; and to show that these principles of truth are the common scientific foundation of all true religions.”

Yogananda has written an in-depth commentary on the Gospels: The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You. In his Introduction to that work, Yogananda wrote:
“Jesus Christ is disappointed because many are the churches and temples founded in his name, often prosperous and powerful, but where is the communion that he stressed — actual contact with God? Jesus wants temples to be established in human souls, first and foremost; then established outwardly in physical places of worship. Instead, there are countless huge edifices with vast congregations being indoctrinated in churchianity, but few souls who are really in touch with Christ through deep prayer and meditation.”
“To reestablish God in the temples of souls through revival of the original teachings of God-communion as propounded by Christ and Krishna is why I was sent to the West by Mahavatar Babaji,” said Yogananda.
“Babaji is ever in communion with Christ; together they send out vibrations of redemption and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age,” he added.
(Featured image of Christ by Sabine Zierer of Pixabay)
Oswald Pereira, a senior journalist, has also written eight books, including The Newsroom Mafia, Chaddi Buddies, The Krishna-Christ Connexion, How to Create Miracles in Our Daily Life and Crime Patrol: The Most Thrilling Stories. Oswald is a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, and practises Kriya Yoga.
Great blog of the auspicious occasions of Christmas and Gita Jayanti. It is really a matter of great concern that most of the followers in all religions don’t understand and assimilate the core-messages of great preachers, religious leaders, social reformers who are regarded as the incarnations of God. Most of the people do not dig deep into doctrines of different religions and they listen to wrong interpretations from other people who do not really know what they are talking about and people follow them blindly. Whereas “Jesus and all other religious preachers, saints have practiced humanity, oneness and conveyed temples to be established in human souls, first and foremost; then established outwardly in physical places of worship.” May better sense prevail upon all so people can live with love, harmony and oneness.
Shashiji, you have summed it up well. Living in love, peace and harmony is the need of the day, which is possible when we think of God as one.
Blessed are the ones who feel in each words of the gospel of a messiah the spark of “the first revelation”, blessed are the ones who muster strength to set their first foot forward in that direction.
Yes Oswald Ji, the only threat to that end, even as it feels painful to say so, has been its institutionalisation.
On this very auspicious day of Christmas, how sweetly Gita Jayanti too is celebrated with devotion in India.
May we wake up the joy & fortune of the first revelation of Jesus Christ & Lord Krishna through their priceless words & celebrate this awesome day today.
Happy Christmas & Happy Gita Jayanti.
God bless us all ??
Baturamji, the celebration of Gita Jayanti and Christmas on the same day is a sparkling testimony of unity. Krishna and Christ are truly working together to send positive vibrations to the Universe.
I have done the editing for a 260,000-word, 1000-page commentary of the Bhagavad Gita by a top guru. In the commentary, the guru sometimes falls prey to subtle running down of other religions. In my editing notes, I have advised him to refrain from this. I hope he pays heed to this suggestion.
Excellent…sense of reverence & realisation of unity is the very best that can happen, but only with an experience of the peak.
My God, please be kind to all and lend a glance of it to everyone so that we all coexist in Peace.
ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्ति ??
Baturamji with peaceful coexistence will come growth and evolution.