Got no time to cry
No time to laugh 
No time to reflect
What just went wrong
Didn’t toast to a victory
Nor mull over a loss
Just shed tears
And swallowed the fears

Savita Tambwekar

Not sung a friendship made
Not grieve friendships that fade
Of friends so near
Yet so far, unreachable
Not cherish the smiles
That had lit our lives

Not even celebrate the birth 
Of a pure new soul
Wait! Didn’t one just left?
Not meet the sick
Or the dying

Can see
Can’t touch 
Can laugh
Can’t hug
A year of no seasons
A year of no reasons

So let’s just flow
Hand in hand
Cross together
Bend after bend
Don’t stop
Just pause
Stay together
Till, we see it end

Savita Tambwekar, a content specialist with over 15 years’ experience, has also worked as a journalist in The Times of India for several years and in GE Capital and Sify as an e-learning specialist. She now lives with her family in Nagpur.